18 packages, which were even steeper than the products themselves
Thirty million five hundred forty thousand three hundred two
Cool, original packaging works wonders, making any product more attractive to the buyer. But some advertisers have surpassed themselves and came up with a design, by which it is simply impossible to pass.
The website has collected 18 evidence that a bright, fun packaging is already at least 50% of success. Maybe more!
These muffins will provide buyers with perfect abs! Just like on the package
The bulb in the form of insects
Invisible for the coolest hairstyles
The bright and cheerful box for children's shoes
Cookies straight from the oven
These tea bags like a float in your mug
The coolest container for washing powder
Fruit toilet paper
Biggest pistachio with lots of pistachios small inside
A little imagination, and pasta will make a wonderful hairstyle
Edible pencils of Parmesan
Lotion for intimate hygiene, which turns red from touching
An intriguing box for a swimsuit
This bag as if to answer the question about where are the eggs in the shops
Snacks for your pet
Perhaps, the most seductive beer
Earplugs, with which the external noise is at a minimum volume
Charge your food with salt and pepper
Photos on the preview latona-m.com
See also
21 advertising that sells is not what you think
13 gorgeous examples of advertising that didn't leave chances to competitors
15 above photographers who make food in ads looks so yummy
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-fotografy/15-ulovok-fotografov-kotorye-delayut-edu-v-reklame-takoj-appetitnoj-1444465/
Cool, original packaging works wonders, making any product more attractive to the buyer. But some advertisers have surpassed themselves and came up with a design, by which it is simply impossible to pass.
The website has collected 18 evidence that a bright, fun packaging is already at least 50% of success. Maybe more!
These muffins will provide buyers with perfect abs! Just like on the package
The bulb in the form of insects
Invisible for the coolest hairstyles
The bright and cheerful box for children's shoes
Cookies straight from the oven
These tea bags like a float in your mug
The coolest container for washing powder
Fruit toilet paper
Biggest pistachio with lots of pistachios small inside
A little imagination, and pasta will make a wonderful hairstyle
Edible pencils of Parmesan
Lotion for intimate hygiene, which turns red from touching
An intriguing box for a swimsuit
This bag as if to answer the question about where are the eggs in the shops
Snacks for your pet
Perhaps, the most seductive beer
Earplugs, with which the external noise is at a minimum volume
Charge your food with salt and pepper
Photos on the preview latona-m.com
See also
21 advertising that sells is not what you think
13 gorgeous examples of advertising that didn't leave chances to competitors
15 above photographers who make food in ads looks so yummy
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-fotografy/15-ulovok-fotografov-kotorye-delayut-edu-v-reklame-takoj-appetitnoj-1444465/