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Specificity purchases b / y of goods on eBay: statistics, force majeure, the security

It is no secret that in addition to new products on eBay you can buy more goods and already visited in use. They are realized on the sale of two conditions: a fixed price (buy now) and auction. What b / y goods on eBay bought by people in Russia and the CIS, and why do they do it? It is not excluded that the will of fortune at the post office they will take a piece of worthless is not something that I wanted and look forward to from the other side of the Atlantic. And if so, how to be in such cases and how to protect their investments in the purchase?

Read more about all of this under the cut.

What are the b / u buy goods on eBay? B> h4> Yielding fashion trend to collect statistics on all that is possible, we decided to explore the length and breadth of its base "b / y -Ordering ". Not to say that the data presented below were collected specifically for this post, quite the contrary - this post - a consequence of the collection thereof. In any case, the proportion of charts should not be seen as a mirror image of the present situation on the market, because it is suspected that category, not to mention the figures will be different for different time intervals. But a certain tendency, nevertheless, one can discern. However, this is a topic for a separate post-comparison.

So, we'll start with the most popular categories of statistics b / y goods from eBay.com version customer service Shopozz.ru (service services assist in buying) that has been collected by us for the first quarter 2014. Inexpressibly glad that it did not appear the category "Clothing, footwear and accessories", from which, perhaps, we can conclude that "we have become better dress» ©.

Now a little deeper into each leadership category.

Category "Musical Instruments» h5>

Musical Instruments in Russia - a profitable and high-margin business. The cost of similar products abroad (and in the US in particular) may differ at times, and not in favor of local stores. It regards new equipment. Our paper is devoted to goods and statistics b / y. Therefore, the choice of a certain segment of our customers is obvious. In addition to guitars and wind instruments, demand category "Audio Accessories" - this samplers, drum machines, sound cards, microphones, keyboards, monitors and more.

Category "Collecting» h5>

Here the choice of buyers is largely due to the number of proposals. And, as we know now, the proposal gives rise to demand. Separately mention about goods «Militaria» - items of military subjects - from this category is subject to all sending international mail . Therefore we recommend to clarify this possibility with our tech support.

Category "Mobile phones and PDA» h5>

Certainly, many of our customers, akin to Jean Baudrillard, is not considered an act of consumption to achieve. That's why choosing a more affordable price, but all the same high b / y smart phones and other objects of pride and marketing of the entire world of digital technologies.

Category 'Toys and Hobbies » h5>

Like the "Collecting", category "Toys and Hobbies" is popular because of the large number of proposals. Many collectible items are in used a priori, and that is why this category is the place to be in our statistics.

Category "Cameras & Camcorders» h5>

Do not open the big mysteries of writing about what a good camera or camcorder - not the cheapest pleasure. So choose "b / y." I remember in one of the reviews to receive the parcel young man shared his impressions of the display family privat-pictures that abound based on a forgotten memory card digicam.

Category "Consumer Electronics» h5>

Products from this category very often buy a "makeweight" to the parcel. Though there are some departures, consisting entirely of items from consumer electronics.

Category "Music» h5>

Demand here are the original editions of albums, LP, EP (no repression) and testpressing original editions.

With the above categories of goods (and not only), you can take a closer look at our Russian-language catalog eBay .

Feedback Time! B> h4> In addition to the collection of statistics, it has become very interesting to obtain new knowledge about the b / y-products and possible phenomena associated with the purchase of the add to, firstly, to present Me possible scenarios and, secondly, to influence them. Therefore, in the second quarter of 2014, we decided to explore the opinions of our customers bought / used-products on eBay through a telephone survey. For this, we used a simple script, the contents of which sought to find out just 2 points in:

You bought / used-goods on eBay, are you satisfied with the quality, and whether it fully coincides with the expected / described in item card? The second point - situational. "Yes, everything is OK" - thank you. "No, it's not OK" - to ascertain the reasons for the discrepancies obtained with the desired. Sample size: 100

Total happened:

We examine in some segments:

- Segment « Who are you? I did not call you! I> »: for whatever reason could not answer the question.
- Segment « Everything is somehow not very i>»: smartphone standard CDMA; external defects that do not match the description of the goods; dissatisfaction rates USPS for international transportation; some damage in transit.

How not to get in the last segment, and protect yourself in the process of shopping as b / a, and new products - tell paragraph below.

Passion on GTX 780 h4> Yes, there are such moments, when the ordered goods do not conform to the desired. This is true for new products, b / y-goods items on eBay or Taobao. Fortunately, we did not find any in the history of appeals, or in memory of any "interesting" case to give the b / y items on eBay lately. Therefore deploy narrative as an example the case with the purchase of a new product on Taobao, happened recently with one of our clients.

On Taobao was ordered certain the GTX 780 , worth ¥ 148.00, which is approximately equal $ 25. In the specification of the product appears & quot; 成色: 全新 & quot; - "Condition: new" (thank you, Google Translate).

What to expect:

What happened:

Possible reasons for failure:

despite the fact that the seller has a rating large enough, in China with enviable frequency cases are selling low-quality goods. Sometimes, because of the fact that fraudsters can simply buy some account and through it to sell a lot of junk. The reason, in fact, can be set. But what is presented in a single copy - so it is the desire to be independent of a variety of reasons. How? B>

UFO forbid you h4> 4 Consider the case of the example of the same eBay:

1. You buy your own and get the stuff
Then open your own claim to the seller (in the case of eBay: Deadline claims - 30 days after the arrival of the goods), conducts a dispute, it is revealed nuances refund, send the product back (usually by the seller), the seller realizes a refund. < br />
2. You buy yourself through our free MF and get stuff
Then open your own claim to the seller (in the case of eBay: Deadline claims - 30 days after the arrival of the goods), conducts a dispute, it is revealed nuances refund, send the product back (usually at the expense of the seller, with the difference that we stand by the sender ), the seller realizes a refund. It should take into account the period for filing - 30 days after the delivery to the addressee. In the case of MF, the destination is a storage service, so depending on the speed of the postal services, you may not have time to submit the above claim and get their money back. This can be avoided as follows: order of service « Checking and photo MF ». We check to photograph. You get a photo, identify "wrong." Then returns to the steps described in the first sentence of this subparagraph.

3. You use our service "Help in buying" and comes to the warehouse stuff
Identify unwanted goods can be all the same way - a custom made service « Checking and photo product ». Then all the actions we perform: open a claim, we conduct a debate, we send the goods, we accept money from the seller, return them to your account on the system Shopozz.

4. You use our service "Help in buying" check book and photo product and you still come trash
Sometimes it happens. For example, due to the fact that employees of transport companies play your dinner service in football. Just for such cases, we have a full fare, entitled «VIP-Гарант». This rate automatically includes service "Check and photo goods", and also provides full insurance against theft, damage, loss and other unpleasant situations. By the way, all payments at the rate of «VIP-Garant" made from an insurance budget Shopozz, so hardships with compensation from the USPS and bypass Russia Post your side.

Addition to the above:
service "Help in purchasing» Shopozz.RU ;
free mail forwarding in US Shopozz.COM .

Bonus h4> It is hoped that the reader will not face with all sorts of problems when ordering goods from abroad who were and were not included in this post. But just in case leave here a promo code for $ 10 dollars for the first 50 users (new or old) Shopozz.RU. Promo code can be used to pay for such services, "Checking and photo goods", parcel delivery or redemption of the product itself.

Promo code: upasimenyanlo

Limit Activation: 50
Valid until: 10.10.2014

How to activate:
1. register ;
2. Go to your profile;

3. Open the "Promotional Codes" and activate.

Pleasant and safe shopping! Together with Shopozz.

Source: habrahabr.ru/company/shopozzcom/blog/236245/