Why there are a lot of imported products on the shelves
It is no secret that the situation in the world is now very unstable and in many countries state borders are closed. Nevertheless, pick-up quite rich, and the shelves are full of exotic vegetables and fruits.
So how is it that you can see Indian rice, Ecuadorian bananas, and even Spanish tomatoes on your table, and you can’t really practice at the nearest gym? The answer is there, and it’s actually pretty obvious.
A few decades ago, people mainly bought in shops and stalls near the house or in local markets. These outlets could only offer local products that were grown and produced within a maximum of several tens of kilometers.
Nowadays, even a small chain supermarket can offer a wide range of products. It's all about what works now. centralized supply chainIt allows you to bring goods from all over the world, selling them at a very low price.
The price for such convenience is a huge distance and long transportation, which must overcome all products before they get to our refrigerator. After all, vegetables and fruits are brought from all over the world, trying not to spoil or lose them during transportation.
The basis of any trading network - its distribution centres. They can apply for the purchase of large quantities of goods with the largest possible discount. Thanks to such centers, you can enjoy a large selection of products in stores, which today is taken for granted.
Distribution centers use a smart and highly flexible supply system. If the supplier of goods has a problem, the system will immediately find an alternative with minimal financial losses. Marriage, fire and other causes will not stop the delivery of goods.
If people start massively buying up any one type of goods, for example, toilet paper or buckwheat, the system will find a way out of the situation. For example, it will start buying goods from suppliers who previously dealt with closed cafes and restaurants.
Closed borders are not a problem for carriers. Freight transport allowed movement between countries. The main difficulty is that a huge number of production facilities around the world are idle.
There is a certain limit of stocks in 3-4 months, which is enough to fill supermarket shelves and supply people with food. After this time, large, even global problems with the provision of stores with the right products are inevitable, and as a result, rising prices and lowering the choice and quality of goods and services.
It turns out that people are not worried about that at all. No need to worry about empty shelves in stores and buy everything left and right. We need to worry about empty warehouses. It's much more serious.
If you look at retail chains in our latitudes, it should be noted that they cope well with their task: the vast majority of goods on the shelves remained in the same amount. Some can even see promotions and discounts. There is no shortage at all. This applies to both domestic and foreign goods.
You probably noticed that lemons and ginger went up in price for a few days. Well, this is a direct consequence of the massive purchase of these commodity items. All prices are back to normal today. There are still shortages in some stores. cheap. This question remains relevant, so we offer you a few recipes for its independent manufacture. Be healthy, good mood and good luck!

So how is it that you can see Indian rice, Ecuadorian bananas, and even Spanish tomatoes on your table, and you can’t really practice at the nearest gym? The answer is there, and it’s actually pretty obvious.
A few decades ago, people mainly bought in shops and stalls near the house or in local markets. These outlets could only offer local products that were grown and produced within a maximum of several tens of kilometers.

Nowadays, even a small chain supermarket can offer a wide range of products. It's all about what works now. centralized supply chainIt allows you to bring goods from all over the world, selling them at a very low price.

The price for such convenience is a huge distance and long transportation, which must overcome all products before they get to our refrigerator. After all, vegetables and fruits are brought from all over the world, trying not to spoil or lose them during transportation.
The basis of any trading network - its distribution centres. They can apply for the purchase of large quantities of goods with the largest possible discount. Thanks to such centers, you can enjoy a large selection of products in stores, which today is taken for granted.

Distribution centers use a smart and highly flexible supply system. If the supplier of goods has a problem, the system will immediately find an alternative with minimal financial losses. Marriage, fire and other causes will not stop the delivery of goods.
If people start massively buying up any one type of goods, for example, toilet paper or buckwheat, the system will find a way out of the situation. For example, it will start buying goods from suppliers who previously dealt with closed cafes and restaurants.
Closed borders are not a problem for carriers. Freight transport allowed movement between countries. The main difficulty is that a huge number of production facilities around the world are idle.

There is a certain limit of stocks in 3-4 months, which is enough to fill supermarket shelves and supply people with food. After this time, large, even global problems with the provision of stores with the right products are inevitable, and as a result, rising prices and lowering the choice and quality of goods and services.

It turns out that people are not worried about that at all. No need to worry about empty shelves in stores and buy everything left and right. We need to worry about empty warehouses. It's much more serious.
If you look at retail chains in our latitudes, it should be noted that they cope well with their task: the vast majority of goods on the shelves remained in the same amount. Some can even see promotions and discounts. There is no shortage at all. This applies to both domestic and foreign goods.

You probably noticed that lemons and ginger went up in price for a few days. Well, this is a direct consequence of the massive purchase of these commodity items. All prices are back to normal today. There are still shortages in some stores. cheap. This question remains relevant, so we offer you a few recipes for its independent manufacture. Be healthy, good mood and good luck!