Paired goods. Placing of goods on the trading floor

Hi, Habr!
This small and simple case, we will explain what a pair goods, and how to use the associative relationships to increase business profitability.
So, Couples - this is the goods are often purchased together. In a pair of one commodity is the key (the anchor), and the second - the attendant. And identify the goods we paired relationship using the algorithm APRIORI
Analyzing shopping basket, we identify key products and related pairs to them. Such pairs can be a huge amount, only a limited range of shops. Each pair has its own frequency of purchases, the percentage probability of purchase together and the number of checks in which the pair met for the selected period.

For example, a couple of "snack Seafood" and "Beer" is found in a 435-year-checks throughout the month. Support groups - this pair occurs in 1, 29% of the total number of checks the store during this period. Reliability of the pair - if you buy a product key "Snacks" 60, 17% of buyers purchase related product "Beer».
"So what?" - You might say. - "How do I use this information? What benefits do I get? ". Possessing such information, you may timely boost sales of key products, thereby increasing sales of high-related products. Table of paired products are designed to greatly facilitate the marketing control.
The second method applied use of pair of goods, it is the recommendation regarding the placement of goods in the market square. These recommendations are used in order to understand which products best place nearby, and which far without losing customers.
Possible to generate a graph of product placement on the basis of support and confidence. The points on the graph - a pair of goods. Based on their location in the graph to draw conclusions about their placement in the market square to each other.

1) In the sector 1 are a couple with a strong relationship. Probability of purchase accompanying goods when buying a very high key. Also, a high percentage of checks with the data pairs. Goods sold well, such as "Snacks" and "Beer", can be positioned away from each other and it will not lead to a drop in demand.
2) In the sector are 2 couples in which the probability of purchase of related products is reduced, although their support checks remains high. To remedy the situation and to increase sales of related products, should place them next to the key.
3) Sector 3 displays random pairs.
4) pairs of sector 4 plummeting percentage of checks in which they occur. The probability of buying goods with the accompanying key, in contrast, is growing. Such couples need additional stimulation, such as stocks and billboards. But while they do not necessarily have the next.
Analysis is performed daily and using associative relationship goods, we get the result:
- Time saving and efficient use of retail space;
- Reducing the cost of marketing;
- Obtaining additional profits from the sale of related products without additional investments.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/241738/
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