Hidden gymnastics Vorobiev.

This gymnastics takes you exactly 6 minutes, but it should be done every hour.
It's very simple - because the exercises can be done lying down, sitting, standing, walking, in the workplace, at the kitchen table - anywhere.
But the first three days - the most difficult, because it will have to push yourself every hour.
From the author: "Accidentally in a magazine I saw a set of gymnastics and decided to try. Within 2 weeks, lo and behold !, I saw the result (skirt, which could not even button up, I became more spacious) »
1. The feet fully touch the ground.
Raise and lower your heels - 40 times.
2. Raise and lower wear - 40 times.
3. clenched and unclenched muscle yagodits- 40 times.
4. Slowly draw the wall of the stomach - as you exhale,
on inspiration - back in position - 15 times.
5. Direct the back of the blade slide to the spine - 40 times.
Make sure the shoulders are not moving.
6. Hands, spread apart at shoulder level.
Clenching and unclenching his fists - 40 times.
7. heads turn at 90º - to the left, then to the right - 40 times.
8. Pulling the chin forward - 40 times.