Seedlings - the life force at any age.

A doctor from Switzerland - Gisela Schmidt, bringing their research to the end, including on himself, wrote the following lines: "I myself started taking sprouted wheat for breakfast when I was 54 years old. A few months later my gray hair acquired the original coloring, become elastic and thick. Sight restored in full, as well as my physical strength. This condition allows me to work in full force, and to this day, when I was 75 years old. »
Wheat germ provide us with energy, cleanse the liver, kidneys, bladder, intestines; help relieve swelling; improve the condition of skin and hair. Wheat germ provides prevention of caries, cancer, increase the tone of the body, soothe the nerves and improve sleep.
Sprouts oats are effective in tuberculosis, kidney disease, liver and gallbladder, hepatitis, thyroid disease. They restore the immune system, strengthen muscles, normalize the stomach and intestines and update the composition of blood.
Sprouting promote wound healing, improve skin condition and complexion; they have a lot of vitamins A, C, group B; there manganese, silicon, iron, barium, potassium and calcium; a lot of fiber, carbohydrates, high quality proteins and amino acids.
Barley seedlings increase endurance and lead to normal acid-alkaline balance. They contain many vitamins B12, K and C, provitamin A, zinc, copper, manganese, iron.
Germinated rye helps the body to actively resist microbes and viruses, improves the excretion of mucus in the respiratory diseases, normalizes blood glucose, removes toxins and radionuclides, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and premature aging.