How to extract maximum benefit from fruit and vegetables

How to extract maximum benefit from the fruits and vegetables
We all know that fruits and vegetables are the main sources of vitamins and minerals. What fruit did not take - from the list of useful properties literally dazzled. Because of this, I want to eat them around the clock, immensely saturating your body health. However, our body has a unique quality - it can be dosed independently of matter falling into itself. For proper operation of the body can absorb only what he needs and does so only at certain times of the day. Therefore, eat fruits and vegetables should be wisely. So you can help the body to extract the maximum benefit from them and avoid saturation and surges in blood sugar.

How to choose fruits and vegetables
With an abundance of products on store shelves came to us and responsible for their selection. Now we are available all year round fresh fruit and vegetables, regardless of the season. However, that is no reason for the daily consumption of pineapple or strawberries. In fact, the nature of all the issues decided for us. Scientific evidence shows that it is sufficient to only those elements that are rich in fruits and vegetables of the latitude in which we were born. They assimilated the easiest. Therefore, if your local apple season - eat apples in season collect carrots - carrots and so on. Moreover, such an approach to the diet will help not only the body, but also save your budget. Instead of expensive imported products can always choose something local, rich in vitamins identical composition.

Of course, fruits and vegetables can not be a panacea, but they are a powerful preventive tool. At the same time with a variety of health problems are advised to focus on the specific gifts of nature.
If you have problems with blood vessels and atherosclerosis should lower the level of cholesterol. From vegetables have this property eggplant. Also, when these illnesses should focus on iodine-containing foods: bananas, apples, persimmons, oranges, peas. There are seemingly useful products that may harm under certain situations. For example, the tendency to thrombosis is tomatoes, carrots, spinach, grapes, strawberries, peas and apples.

In heart failure, doctors are advised to eat more dried fruit - raisins, dried apricots, prunes. They contain heart-healthy potassium.
Hypertensive shows apricots, which improve the metabolic processes in the myocardium. Also, people with high blood pressure are encouraged to include in your daily diet dried fruit, jacket potatoes, watermelon, beets and plant foods rich in magnesium - lettuce, spinach, fennel, persimmon, parsley and beans.
Diseases of the liver and gall bladder require the elimination of sorrel, spinach, radishes, radish, onion and garlic, horseradish - all of which can contribute to the formation of stones due to irritation of the liver cells. In addition, it is better not to eat sour fruits and berries, which can cause spasms of the gall bladder.
From bad digestion and constipation save prunes, dates, figs and strawberries. A good laxative action have all the juice and puree of raw vegetables, especially carrots and beets. With long locks are fighting with the help of boiled cauliflower and use an empty stomach and berry fruit drinks.
With a stomach ulcer and chronic gastritis in the best resort to cooked vegetables in a shabby. At the same time remove from the diet of carrots and cabbage.

Proceed to the practice
When you have identified with what fruits and vegetables will be useful to you, you should calculate your daily diet considering mealtime. For proper distribution derived substances, we must remember that fast carbohydrates that increase blood sugar levels, it is better to eat in the morning. Accordingly, sweet fruit with high levels of fructose are advised to eat before dinner. Thus fruit should be 30-40 minutes before the main meals rather than a dessert, as is customary in most cases.
With regard to non-starchy vegetables, they can include a menu for the day, including at their dinners. It is an excellent source of fiber, which will adjust the correct functioning of the intestine.
The right approach to the selection and consumption of fruits and vegetables will make you not only a beautiful and smart, but also give the body the necessary materials at the right for him and time convenient for you.