Diet fat burning

Daily fat burning menu is made by the following rules:
Breakfast: one serving of protein (List 1) and servings of fruits or vegetables (list 2).
Lunch: a portion of protein, a serving of vegetables or fruit and a portion of carbohydrates (list 3).
Afternoon snack: a portion of protein, a serving of vegetables or fruit and a portion of carbohydrates.
Dinner: a portion of protein and a serving of vegetables or fruit
List 1. Portion of protein - it is one of the following options:
2 eggs in any form;
170 gr. lean fish (eg, cod), seafood;
110 gr. lean ham or lean meat (not roasted);
100 gr. low-fat cottage cheese (1-5%);
60 g. low-fat cheese;
120 ml low-fat milk, yogurt or yogurt (1-1, 5% fat) + one-half portions of any other protein product;
30 oz. all nuts except peanuts.
List 2 servings of fruits or vegetables choose from:
salad of any vegetables, except potatoes and beans, or some entirely fresh vegetables;
300 gr. any steamed vegetables, except potatoes, corn or peas;
150 gr. canned corn and green peas;
200 gr. Assorted from any fruit or fruit (grapefruit, orange, mandarin, pear, apricot, lemon slice, strawberries, raspberries, cherries or cherry) or 1-2 whole fruit or 2 small pieces of melon; 60 g. any dried fruit.
3. Carbohydrates List:
3-4 tablespoons. spoons of boiled rice, buckwheat and pasta from durum wheat, can add a little tomato sauce.
3-4 tablespoons. spoon mashed potatoes; peas, beans, lentils or corn, or two medium-sized baked or boiled potatoes. One small boiled corn.
slice rye or wholemeal bread, fit and bran cereal.