As always be in shape?

9 good habits
1. Train, even if you have only 15 minutes to the gym. It's better than nothing.
2. If you had planned to drill - go and train. Do not think to go or not, can we go tomorrow instead of today. Just go.
3. Use a pedometer. You will be surprised how much you miss to position every 10,000 steps daily, especially if you are an office worker.
4. Add variety to your workout. Try different types of exercise - yoga one day, the second day of trainers, the third dance, the fourth - running. Or just actively and dance to your favorite music at home.
5. If you do not want to go to the gym, focus on how great you will feel afterwards. Endorphins in the blood rise, the body will feel a pleasant fatigue, and another step on the way to the target will be done.
6. Do not wait for the right moment to begin the work on themselves. Do not wait for summer, Mondays, or parties to which you want to come in a stunning, but the narrow dress. If you're going to put unattainable goals for the short term, you just be disappointed in yourself.
Work out at home if you do not have time to go to the gym.
7. Do not seized and boredom and depression, instead, go, and practice, if you feel bad, sad and think that life - the pain. After the exercise will be much better mentally.
8. Get enough sleep. And not just sleep position 8 hours a day, and try to go to bed an hour or two before midnight.
9. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day, and preferably 2, 5. No wonder nutritionists all the world about this firm.