Lose weight with pleasure:

1. Reduce the dose. Eat whatever you want, but only to a lesser extent. To make it easier to cope with an appetite - cheat themselves. Change your plate to dessert and apply yourself a smaller portion. There is an opinion that we should eat that amount of food that would put us on a palm.
2. The last meal should be very light and not later than three hours before bedtime.
3. For dinner, drink a glass of kefir preferred and eat an apple.
4. Eat more often. Sounds ridiculous? The more often you snack, the less you want to eat. A single portion should be 100 to 150 grams and with an interval of at least three hours.
5. Switch to a lighter diet. Enter in the diet of vegetable soup, chicken breast, herbs, salads, seafood and low-fat dairy products.
6. reduce the amount of fluid intake, as zapivanie while eating stretches the stomach.
7. Drink small sips, and preferably during meals. Drink after a meal can be just an hour - a half and only water.
8. Use the theory of a separate food. There are foods that are harder to digest with each other. If we use both fats with carbohydrates and proteins - it is only harmful to our body.
9. If your task - to eat less and then not want to supplement, drink a glass of water before meals, or eat an apple. Since your stomach is already partially filled, and you eat a lot less.
10. Once a week to arrange a fasting day - an apple, kefir or cottage cheese.
Exercise of the sagging belly, just a bomb, helps 100%
"Slow" exercises to slim beautiful legs - the effect is achieved within a week.