Exercise of the sagging belly, just a bomb, helps 100%

Exercise of the sagging belly, just a bomb, helps 100%
✔Uprazhnenie 1:
Take a deep breath stomach bulging abdominal wall as possible. One two three four five. Relax, exhale all the air through the mouth. Drew a stomach, pulling it up to the stomach. As if you want to hide him in the ribs. Hold your breath. One two Three. Again inhale, repeat the exercise as many times as you age. If you can not do right is the number of repetitions, then during the day continue to do it. After all, this exercise can be performed while standing, sitting, and imperceptibly. Believe me, this exercise admirably fat deposits in the abdomen and massages the abdominal organs.
✔Uprazhnenie 2
"Angry cat". Get on your knees, lean on the palms. Maximum inhale nose, pulling the stomach under the ribs bend the back up. Put your head down to your chest. You should get a pose «h» - pose of angry cat when she suddenly met a dog. Hold your breath, at the expense of eight exhale, relax. It returns to its original position. Repeat three times.
✔Uprazhnenie 3:
The next exercise, most likely you know a child, even with the physical education lessons. But this does not detract from its effectiveness. It also helps to remove the stomach, tighten slightly sagging side, reduce body fat around the waist. So, lie down on a flat surface, his hands behind his head. Legs a little bend, and put a foot on the floor. Once, lifting the torso and are drawn left elbow toward your right knee. Two returned to its original position. Three, are drawn right elbow to the left knee. Four returned to its original position. Repeat as many times as strong enough. Just do not overdo it the first time. Otherwise, the next time you do not want to do this wonderful exercise, or can not because of the pain in the muscles. It is better to gradually increase the load on the muscles than stop halfway. And a couple of words about this exercise. It stimulates the abdominal oblique muscles, which in turn burns fat around the waist and tighten the skin on the sides.
✔Uprazhnenie 4:
This exercise is the most interesting. Exercise is called a pleasant word "Rest". Lying on his back. Spread the knees wide apart and knees under enclose the foot. Right foot under the left knee and left foot - under the right knee. This exercise is more flexible and makes the muscles on the outside of the thigh. Be careful not to stretch strong knees for the first time, not to damage the cords. Every day you will turn out better and more confident. Put your palms on the floor beside the bed or body. Fully relax, close your eyes, think of the good. Do not usnite again. We lie down for a minute or two, to dream. Now you can get out of bed. Take a contrast shower. It will give your body an extra push to burn fat by speeding up metabolism.
That's all. Just 10 minutes a day, the simplest and most enjoyable morning exercises will help you to remove belly fat and become leaner and more cheerful.