How to find the gift of speech, when you need to talk to toast

toasts during a party - a wonderful tradition. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of their ability to make a concise, well-aimed and memorable.
Website has collected basic rules of good toast that you could easily cope with the honorable role of toast at the next festival.
1. Problems do not exist h3> Just think, the public overwhelmingly appreciative and sympathetic tuned. All you need is just to express their attitude to share sympathy, to give advice. And, whenever possible, original. This is probably the best audience for training. Public performances - sounds serious, and Toast does not dry relatives report or interviews with tricky questions.
2. Speak standing h3> Be sure to stand up, saying a toast. Such is the tradition. In addition, it will attract the attention of those present to you. Increased attention is a bit confusing, but it's better than talking toast when you no one is listening.
3. Be ready! H3> Muse will not come. Re-read the books - Muse toast there. Not justified touchingly naive "think of something" or forgotten school "can not me." The ability to give a good impromptu - a sign of a certain skill. Comrades, can stir any company, first, already know their capabilities, secondly, always have in mind proven reserve billets.
4. Drop anchor h3> Read the collections of the series "Green toastmaster" and select yourself some toast. For example, on the following themes: health, love, happiness, anniversary, lucky wedding. Toasts should be like you, be run - try to tell in their own words, to check on someone reaction. It is quite possible that will have to remember to write down a few times to check. And another trick: the most remarkable anecdotes make good toast, they just have to pack and arrange the appropriate topic, "Now, I want ...»
5. Stay on topic h3> The good harvesting, which usually come to the rescue, may not be to the table. Separate a libation in a friendly company, where more acceptable, and the celebrations which is required to comply with the format and not to pass by reason.
6. Correct accents h3> Make it more expressive, clear and convincing will correct accents in the proposals. Highlight important words, changing the tone of his voice during the conversation. When the pronunciation of important words suddenly raises or lowers his voice to the word or phrase favorably separated from the crowd. Apply this principle everywhere, when you have to speak in public, then you will listen attentively and with interest.
7. Brevity - the sister of talent h3> not read "War and Peace", otherwise all guests to sleep. Your toast should not force visitors to stand or sit for a long time with their glasses. Allow to toast 1-3 minutes - is the optimum time.
8. Be yourself h3> Do not keep begging you to say good words, but do not refuse if the only problem is to choose or say the words. Not to indulge in verbiage and not try to become a star of the evening. The task is simple and pleasant; you have entrusted to announce the one stop on the route of the holiday.
9. Catch the moment h3> If you have successfully reached a state of "sing right now," it is better to forget about his toast. Sit modestly and chew salad. Toast better to say in the first half of the evening, when the amount of drunk alcohol does not confuse your thoughts.
10. Speak sincerely h3> Not matter how beautifully unite words in your toast, the most important thing that your speech was sincere and came from the heart. Users is sure to feel and respond to you grateful with sincere smiles and warm words.
Materials: Michael Varyanitsa (School of Life), pozdravlenie, kakprosto
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