Rugby player presented the gold medal of the World Cup on the field ran to the boy
That's generosity! Sonny Bill Williams, the newly-born world champion rugby amazed fans around the world. After a victorious World Cup final against the Aussies in the field broke the boy and ran to the rugby. Kid quickly tied the stewards, but Williams came to his defense - and even more - to celebrate, gave him his gold medal!
Fortunately 15-year-old Charlie Lynes was no limit. Later, however, his family has promised to return the award, but Bill refused, claiming that he had enough and just memories of the game. However, the Rugby Federation has decided to re-award a copy of Williams' medals! "I am very surprised by this. The other guys in our team would do in my position is the same, "- said Williams.
via sportnews.dirty.ru/novozelandskii-regbist-podaril-zolotuiu-medal-kubka-mira-vybezhavshemu-na-pole-malchiku-877093/
Fortunately 15-year-old Charlie Lynes was no limit. Later, however, his family has promised to return the award, but Bill refused, claiming that he had enough and just memories of the game. However, the Rugby Federation has decided to re-award a copy of Williams' medals! "I am very surprised by this. The other guys in our team would do in my position is the same, "- said Williams.
via sportnews.dirty.ru/novozelandskii-regbist-podaril-zolotuiu-medal-kubka-mira-vybezhavshemu-na-pole-malchiku-877093/
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