This sweet tradition can turn any child into a star of world football.

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Football is still the most popular sport. It is admired by millions of people: according to FIFA, in 2001 about 250 million people played football. And how many more fans and just interested! Football is not only a sports game at the forefront of emotions, but also a spectacle in which there are their own traditions.
Website I am looking forward to the start of the FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 and I am delighted to talk about football traditions and their historical roots.
1. Entering the football field with children

For the first time children brought their football idols to the field in 1997. It has since become the sweetest tradition in football. For many children, this is a reward for sports achievements. Every child on the pitch has goosebumps from the back of the head to the heels at the sight of the stadium roaring with emotions, the atmosphere of the championship and the idea that it is possible to become as famous as Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, David Beckham.
This year, the chance to bring your favorite player to the field falls to every child from 6 to 10 years old. How to become a member of the escort of players can be found on the website www.playmcdonalds.ru.

McDonald’s®, the official sponsor of the FIFA World CupTM and the FIFA Confederations Cup 2017, has the exclusive right to host the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup with McDonald’s® program. The program will be attended by more than 350 young football fans aged 6 to 10 years from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan and Sochi. About half of them are children from orphanages, children from foster and low-income large families. The second half of the participants will be determined through the creative competition “For the FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 with McDonald’s®”! Programs of this kind give an opportunity to realize the dream of any child – to go on the field in the main matches of the championships, holding the hand of world football stars.
On February 14, McDonald’s®, with the participation of FIFA and the Russia 2018 Organizing Committee, announced the launch of the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup with McDonald’s® program. Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation was invited to the holidayVitaly Leontievich Mutko President of McDonald’s in Russia Khamzat Khamidovich Khasbulatov. But the most important and expensive guests were the future participants of the FIFA Confederations Cup 2017, who received commemorative medals from the hands of famous Russian football players. Roman Shirokov, Alexei Smertin, Dmitry Sennikov and Evgeny Aldonin.
2. Football anthems and chants

There is a huge number of shouts for each team of all leagues, and there are chants for meeting a specific opponent, special chants that are sung before the start of the match or in case of winning. The whole football world knows the anthems "You'll Never Walk Alone" or "Glory Glory Man United", which raises the morale of footballers and fans.
It’s hard to say when every scream came. For example, one of the first evidence of the chanting “ole-ole-ole-ole” appeared in 1982. After the victory of Real Sociedad fans began to sing "Campeones, campeones, hobe, hobe, hobe", which literally means "champions, champions, we are the best". The last three words were pronounced in Basque and the chant spread as "oé, oé, oé."
3. Fair play (

Fair play in English - "fair game", the main principle of which is respect for the opponent. For example, when Paolo Di Canio did not score the ball into an empty goal after an opponent's goalkeeper injury, he instantly became an idol of many football fans.
The origin of the concept is not associated with sports, but rather with ethical medieval concepts dating back to the rules of knightly duels. The term fair play is first used by Shakespeare in The Life and Death of King John.
4. The Champions League is a tournament of the strongest football clubs in Europe, a place to gather the best of the best and the dream of many footballers. The competition is accompanied by a majestic anthem and a long tradition: In the center of the field take out the canvas with stars - the symbol of the tournament - and begin to shake it.
5. Il Ritiro

This tradition began in the 1960s, when Inter coach Elenio Herrera gathered players at a training base or in a hotel before crucial matches, limiting communication with families and loved ones. So the players concentrated only on the game and opponents, gathered with thoughts and were not distracted by anything secondary.
6. T-shirt exchange The first exchange of shirts took place in 1931 during a match between England and France. In 1970, two legends of world football who were rivals on the field, Pele and Bobby Moore, supported this idea and handed each other shirts.
Pelé had another special tradition: he would give a T-shirt to the boy who served him the lucky ball.
The exchange of T-shirts symbolizes a tribute to the skill of the opponent, who with you ran with dignity on the field these 90 minutes. Fans also exchange shirts with fans of the other team.
7. Performance of the Incendiary Orchestra

One of the oldest brass bands is located at the University of Notre Dame (USA). His performance can be easily compared to the show at the break of the Super Bowl, it is so cool. The orchestra was founded in 1887, and since then fans come to watch not only the game, but also the spectacular performance that the musicians arrange. They performed under Lady Gaga, Pharrell Williams, One Direction and Styx. The orchestra is over 100 years old and its performances have become a strong football tradition.
8. Performances

Football fans provide powerful support to their favorite team and try to morally crush the opponent. To do this, fans arrange performances, which includes everything from drum fights to fire shows. They effectively make up of colored flags slogans, team symbols and stretch huge banners.
Another football tradition - to applaud in the last 15 minutes of a match - emerged in 1939. That year, the Viennese club Rapid scored three goals in the final match of the championship in the last 15 minutes. Since then, at the home matches of Rapid, fans rhythmically clapped and did not spare their hands for their favorite team.
There are many other traditions in football, which for two centuries have been actively supported by players, fans and caring companies. One of them is McDonald’s®, which this year provides a unique opportunity for every child from 6 to 10 years old to become part of the football tradition and bring the stars of world football to the field.
Becoming a member of the escort of players is very simple: you need to post a photo of the child on the website of the creative competition “For the FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 with McDonald’s®!” and wait for the results to be announced. 48 winners of the competition in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan and Sochi will take to the field with the players of national teams before the matches of the FIFA Confederations Cup 2017, and then together with their parents will be able to enjoy an exciting game as honorary spectators.
Register on the website of the competition, and we will hold your fists!
via www.playmcdonalds.ru. /