12 steps away from cellulite

Advertising Many cosmetic products begins with the words such as "say" no "cellulite." And we know what to do and say, to really avoid problems with cellulite!
Step one
Drink water. And not just a drink, and drink at least 8 glasses a day.
Step Two
What can and should say "no!", It's all bad habits.
Step Three
Normal sleep - 8 hours a day. Does not exceed? Well, let it be about 7, but not less. You will sleep - problems with cellulite are provided.
Step Four
Do you know what regional products? This is something that grows in the area where you live. Exotic fruits and vegetables, though attracted us, it is not always good impact on the state of the organism. And in particular - can contribute to the development of cellulite. Therefore, the sixth step - eat regional foods.
Step Five
Salt - the enemy of the beauty of the female body. And each of cellulite.
Step Six
Saturated fats (solid at room temperature) can be called a poison for your beauty. It will clog the walls of blood vessels and even a lot of mischief. In particular, strengthen the cellulite.
Step Seven
It is better if your first association with McDonald's and other fast food meal will femur covered with orange peel, not smiling slim girl from advertising.
Hot dogs, cheeseburgers, hamburgers know where she deposited.
Step Eight
The beauty of the female body requires and victims too. Eat less sugar and all the goodies that contain it.
Step Nine
You - a lover of coffee? Record yourself in "cellulite risk." One cup of coffee a day because it is enough to cheer up, right? Leave the rest of the coffee for those who want to wear a "cellulite thigh».
Step Ten
A healthy body - a beautiful body. Perform the fresh air for an hour a day, and it's great impact on the well-being, productivity at work, the mood ... and in the figure, of course.
Step Eleven
Love seafood? Excellent. Eat a day portions of fish or shrimp, squid, algae - a "beauty products". I do not like? Well, that would be great, if you find anything of the sea, that you enjoy.
Step Twelve
Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables, perfect - 5 times a day. Or even three. In short, each time a snack apple, tomato, plum ... Choose what you like, and be beautiful!
Scrub "burning" - against cellulite, stretch marks, fat deposits in the abdomen and thighs.
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