Vegetable Lasagna for raw foodists.
Amazing vegetable lasagna for raw foodists
The most important thing in this recipe - very carefully, we can say jewelry spread all the layers of the sandwich so that all fell out and spilled from the sides and edges. And the ingredients are in principle available, if you replace the lettuce in any other of our salads.
White layer in the picture - a bow, relaxed, onions, ground in a blender to a pulp here. But I personally have seemed too add it to lasagna with pepper and garlic, except that the pre-marinate it. For those who still wish to imagine such a white layer can advise to do it from the zucchini. Warning, the dish is generally quite sharp!
● Avocado - 2 things, always ripe;
● Tomatoes - 3 pieces, sliced thin layers;
● jalapeno pepper - half things (can substitute our peppers);
● 1 large cucumber, and sliced layers (instead can take zucchini or radishes);
● Corn - cob kernels young;
● Garlic - 3 cloves, squeezed through chesnokodavku;
● Fresh coriander - 3 tablespoons;
● Lime juice - 2 tsp;
● 6-8 leaves any chosen salad (preferably green).
Method of preparation:
Kneads spoon avocado and divide the weight in half. By adding one part of lime with jalapeno, and the other young corn and garlic (equal parts of each other). Both parts melim thoroughly in a blender.
And now the creative process. Modeling and decoration of dishes. Just lay out the layers one by one, applying alternately one or the other stuffing avocado. You can do everything in its sole discretion, of course. I was like: cucumber - part of a jalapeno - tomato - corn stuffing - lettuce - cucumber - stuffing with jalapenos - tomato - corn part. And finally, the top can also be sprinkled with flowers, or with the same lettuce something artistically lay out, but you can mint.
Of course, it is not known which of the stars of show business prevnes your diet to raw food diet, but by itself syroedstvo very helpful. Rumor has it that Selena Gomez prefers vegetable lasagna. It is not known whether this rumor or fact, but no smoke without fire.