Treatment of raw food diet.

Modern society is faced with a huge number of diseases, many of which are still unknown. People's lives are in constant danger, as every year there are new diseases of unknown origin. With what it is connected?
According to experts, human health must be considered from the point of view of his body, which is a barrier and a kind of fortress. Our bodies are thought to detail the nature, and everything that happens within us, above all due to the fact that we eat. Roasted, salted, smoked and "stuffed" GMO food - this is the first enemy of our body and overall health. That is why it is worth considering over what, when and how to eat.
Today, many people have switched to a raw food diet, which implies a consumption of raw foods: vegetables, nuts, fruits, dried fruits and vegetables, vegetable oils, honey and so on. If you can not eat raw food is thermally processed food, but still if you really want it, sometimes you can treat yourself to a meal prepared on the grill. If you decide to buy a grill, first of all, you need to know that the cost of grilling BGE depends on the size and material of manufacture of the device.
In modern days, many people appreciated the quality and durability of the grill brand Big Green Egg (BGE), which are sold in Russia and can be ordered via the Internet. With regard to the treatment of raw food diet, eating something really useful and thermally processed foods can get rid of many ailments.
For example, in the treatment of gout and uric acid diathesis help green and fruit days, during which recommends eating only fruits and green foods of plant origin: greens, cucumber, kiwi and more. But gout is forbidden to eat foods such as spinach, beans and beets, as part of these plants include purine bases.
With a raw food diet can get rid of the extra kilos and obesity in general. Diabetes mellitus - is another disease that can be prevented by eating raw foods. Thus, the disease of the endocrine system, accompanied by a lack of insulin, which is why glucose remains in the blood, while it must do to the cells. In order to prevent this terrible disease need to eat vegetable salads, seasoned with vegetable oil. Salad days is recommended to alternate with fruit, during which the need to eat sour apples, cherries and strawberries.