Fruit salad.
Heat must still lists you need to go back and ready for it, here's an easy to prepare a fruit salad.
· Plum - 3 pieces
· Apples - 2 pieces
· Pear - 2 pieces
· Shredded ginger - half teaspoon
· Cinnamon - 2 teaspoons
· Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon
· Sunflower seeds, peeled (optional) - 4-5 tablespoons
· Honey - 3 tablespoons
Method of preparation:
Take the pears, apples and plums. Pears and apples can be peeled, cored apples, and plums to get seeds. Cut the fruit into small slices.
In bowl pour all salad vegetables. Immediately pour it with lemon juice to apples darkened.
Take ginger, shred it. Add the ginger and cinnamon in a salad.
Pour the honey into a fruit salad. I used the liquid, but if it is sugar, then heat it in a water bath.
Then purified sunflower seeds from the peel and add to the salad. Also, I used walnuts, they go perfectly with these fruits and spices, and most importantly, very helpful and gives energy for the whole day.
All our fruit salad is ready! This recipe is designed for 2-3 servings, but the cooking time is only 20 minutes.