5 exercises for the thighs tightened
Beach season is long gone, but that's not a reason to relax and forget about training. You want to stay in shape? Then these exercises just for you. They take only 10-15 minutes a day, the main thing - do not forget to carry them out.
We Website are sure that with this exercise you will look chic.
Exercise 1. Pull the sock h3>
Exercise 2. firming caviar h3>
Exercise 3. Heat the thigh muscles h3>
Exercise 4. Activate muscles inner thigh h3>
Exercise 5. Fix the result h3>
We Website are sure that with this exercise you will look chic.
Exercise 1. Pull the sock h3>
Stand up straight, lean against a wall or on a chair. Pull the sock right foot forward and make 10-20 slow circular movements on each side, the same make and left foot. Yet this exercise helps to relieve tired feet after a long day and is perfect for warming up before a serious workout.
Exercise 2. firming caviar h3>
Stand up straight, put a sock on the right foot the ball rolled mat or towel and push your heel on the floor. The same thing happened with the left foot. In order to achieve greater effect, keep your back straight and lean forward. This exercise will help get rid of unpleasant "crunch" in the joints.
Exercise 3. Heat the thigh muscles h3>
From a standing position take a step back left leg and bend the knee right. At the same time pull the hands up, pressing firmly to their ears. When changing legs arrange arms to the sides, pull back and again lift. For best results Hold lunge every 5-6 seconds.
Exercise 4. Activate muscles inner thigh h3>
Widely arrange legs, they must be on one line. Lean forward on your hands and the floor. Bend your right leg as far as possible, and at the same time pull the left. The main thing - do not tear off the heels from the floor. This exercise is good for the hamstrings and hip muscles.
Exercise 5. Fix the result h3>
To perform this exercise, sit on the edge of a chair or armchair. Bend your legs at right angles. Lift your right leg and place the ankle on the knee of the left leg. Lean forward so that the shoulders were on the same level with his knees.
via www.pinterest.com/pin/3729612167916731/
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