Useful and incredibly delicious cake of dried fruit

This is the cake of dried fruit instead of cake with dried fruits. There are a lot of dried fruit and very little dough. Cupcake is saturated, bright, tasty and healthy. And most importantly - is preparing it quickly and easily.
Website said that delicious baking does not happen much, and enjoys sharing this recipe. Brew Flavored tea!
300-400 g of a mixture of nuts and dried fruits (the author used two kinds of raisins, prunes, dried cranberries, figs and walnuts) 2 eggs Article 6 . l. brown sugar 6 tablespoons. l. flour 1/2 ch. l. baking powder Preparation:
Dried apricots and prunes cut into small pieces and mix with nuts and dried fruits rest. Whisk eggs and add to the mixture of dried fruits. Add the sugar, flour and baking powder and mix. The form of grease and pour it in the resulting mass and bake in a preheated 180 degree oven for about 45 minutes.
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via chef-janette.livejournal.com/30471.html