Black cumin against obesity: how to lose weight for every taste.
The Prophet Muhammad once said: « Black cumin helps all diseases except death em>». Indeed, it has a positive effect on the human body, improves health and can get rid of many diseases.
According to many studies, rich in antioxidants spice effective fighting with cholesterol , stimulates digestion and reduces fluid retention. This spice is considered one of the most powerful tools of healing and cleansing the body.
Do we need further proof that the seeds of this plant will help you say goodbye to the extra inches? Here are some ways to maximize estimate dietary properties of fragrant spices. Choose the option that you prefer!
Use natoschakOchen helpful fasting morning drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice and then eat 5 grams of cumin seeds, with their well-chewing.
As an additive to your favorite blyudamOtlichny way to give the dish a special flavor! But do not overdo it: add a teaspoon of cumin in a favorite food just once a day.
Teas and otvaryS drink from black cumin also can poekperimentirovat. We offer you a couple of options:
Vsyp 1 tbsp. l. cumin seeds in a cup of boiling water. After 15 minutes, strain the drink. To drink 2 tablespoons. l. 3-4 times a day before meals. It is possible to add other ingredients. 1 tbsp. l. zaley beans and 1 cup water. Boil 3 minutes and half an hour before consumption drain. Take broth with honey to 0, 25 cup 3 times a day before meals. Add a glass of boiled water 3/4 hours. L. crushed black seed, 1 tbsp. l. honey and the same amount of cinnamon powder. Take this mixture for 30 minutes before breakfast and before bedtime.
via takprosto.cc
According to many studies, rich in antioxidants spice effective fighting with cholesterol , stimulates digestion and reduces fluid retention. This spice is considered one of the most powerful tools of healing and cleansing the body.
Do we need further proof that the seeds of this plant will help you say goodbye to the extra inches? Here are some ways to maximize estimate dietary properties of fragrant spices. Choose the option that you prefer!
Use natoschakOchen helpful fasting morning drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice and then eat 5 grams of cumin seeds, with their well-chewing.
As an additive to your favorite blyudamOtlichny way to give the dish a special flavor! But do not overdo it: add a teaspoon of cumin in a favorite food just once a day.
Teas and otvaryS drink from black cumin also can poekperimentirovat. We offer you a couple of options:
Vsyp 1 tbsp. l. cumin seeds in a cup of boiling water. After 15 minutes, strain the drink. To drink 2 tablespoons. l. 3-4 times a day before meals. It is possible to add other ingredients. 1 tbsp. l. zaley beans and 1 cup water. Boil 3 minutes and half an hour before consumption drain. Take broth with honey to 0, 25 cup 3 times a day before meals. Add a glass of boiled water 3/4 hours. L. crushed black seed, 1 tbsp. l. honey and the same amount of cinnamon powder. Take this mixture for 30 minutes before breakfast and before bedtime.
via takprosto.cc
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