30 simple tricks to your child beamed with happiness

many little things that seem to us quite banal, are of great importance for children. Children's perception of a much brighter, more emotional - any small thing for an adult child becomes a discovery.
Knowing this, Website publishes useful articles on a few simple tricks that will help bring the child a real delight.
Wear macaroni necklace around his neck. and walk in it all day. Well, or at least until you do not need to leave the house. Create family motto or slogan. («The Expendables," "We can!", "We'll do it!") and hang it on the refrigerator. Remember it whenever the child feels miserable. out for a walk with the baby Secretly put a nice note (and a piece of chocolate) in his schoolbag. Play along in the computer or video games. To say "yes" to something usually forbidden. , for example, afford to sit together at school windowsill. come off at an amusement park in full. Behave like little children. Do not hesitate and do not include "strict parent." Show how much enthusiasm you call simple rides. Make peace. If you had a falling out, be sure to find a reason to make peace. Muted children's grievances are not worth. silently close the door. If the baby room looks as if it walked by the tsunami, silently close the door and, without paying any attention to that, just have a good spend your day. Most come to the grandparents. Try to find time for them more often. to start a new business. If your child is really trying, but nothing happened, do not settle on it. Just turn your attention to something else. shuffled through puddles from the heart. Let your child will not miss any puddles on the road. Even if he is without rubber boots. Make your own greeting card. Take lots of sequins, glue, ink pen with shiny and make a greeting card for a child's birthday alone. Although the card can be made with or without cause. Get a pet. Cute and in need of care, comfort and love child. Let him sort out. Give your child a chance to fight for their own rights in the sandbox or on the playground before the intervention itself. Do not ask. Put in the spirit of questioning, "How was your day", if you see that your child came home angry and tired. You always have time to hear his story over dinner. Create own tradition Ask your child what he would like to teach you. For a change. Allow to go to what he wants. Allow me to dress up his daughter for a shopping trip as she likes. Whole month. Let your child "overhear" you say something wonderful about it. However, a look at the full moon Print photos , so that you have something that could one day take up and watch with your child. Do not rush the child. When you are in a hurry, he often does not begin to keep up just because of that nervous. Cook pancakes in the shape of hearts for breakfast. To arrange a disco during homework. If the child is a little tired, making lessons safely turn the music louder and arrange a dance party. Once a month, you can afford. Come up with a secret family handshake. Hang board messaging. Start a pillow fight! Show your child his old diaries, letters and photos , when you were his age. To say thank you more often a child just for the fact that he performs domestic duties on their own, without reminders. Even if it's just an empty carafe filled with water or a wet towel hung out to dry.
Photos in the preview: Anahi Navarro
Author: Margery D. Rosen
Translation and adaptation of the Website
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