10 foods that should be excluded from the diet, on the way to a beautiful figure!
Anyone who decides to eat, often makes the same mistake, leaving in their diets "healthy" dishes or foods that can actually nullify all the efforts. Cubs sweep products from the shelves labeled "0 calories" or "degreased". And then wonder why the process of losing weight is not as fast or at all reversed. I present to your attention the 10 products from which is to give today.
1. Fast Food Breakfast
Breakfast cereals often contain incredible amounts of carbohydrates and sugar. Large quantities of these components are detrimental for you, besides, they are guaranteed to provoke a sharp jumps in blood sugar with subsequent sharp decline. After the use of such goodies, you will feel hungry just a few hours after breakfast. If you're a big supporter of cereals, try to move to natural cereals. Of course, the preparation of such products at times longer, but good for the metabolism will be more.
2. Granola
It is worth noting - baked muesli, which are prepared from natural ingredients are very helpful. However, in recent years, observed a negative trend - unscrupulous manufacturers try to replace expensive and useful products for cheaper. The result, in the granola you can discover unnecessary waist and other parts of the body butter and sugar.
3. Shop salad dressings
Vegetables - is power, especially if they are backed up by a piece of meat. Fiber, enzymes, minerals - this is an incomplete list of a variety of nutrients, which you can find in them. However, most are not thrilled with the soft flavor of vegetables and unsaturated, and prefers to use a variety of salad dressing. Almost all of them contain syrups, soy or palm oil, which only delay the process of losing weight. If you do not like the taste of natural salad dressing is better to prepare yourself.
4. Fruit juices
Each beautiful and active people should start their mornings with a glass of juice, so thought a few years ago. Now, nutritionists do not recommend too highly often use natural juices. These drinks are completely devoid of fiber, which would be prevented from entering the blood sugar.
About us juice I will not even mention the percentage of sugar in them is the same as that of cola. Do you want to lose weight - drink herbal tea without sugar or fruit drink.
5. Agave nectar
Now agave nectar can be seen in advertising health food stores as an ideal replacement of sugar. The process of creating such raw materials is quite transparent - there is really only natural products. But if you familiarize yourself with the chemical composition you will see that in the nectar of a lot of fructose. In normal sugar you will find 50% of the substance, but in the product of the agave, its concentration can be up to 90%. High levels of fructose can cause damage to health and cause obesity. Can not live without sweetener - go to grass stevia.
6. Diet drinks
Standard misleading all the sweet tooth. Of course, buying diet soda you get a lot less calories, but an artificial sweetener and belongs to the drink, can stimulate appetite. As a result, calories can still be deposited on your hips, just several hours later.
7. Low-fat yogurt
Not all yogurts are created equal - it was written on the grave of Vasily Ivanovich. If you're used to count every calorie, I would not recommend buying a low-fat version of this product. When manufacturers take away the fat yogurt, then disappears buttery taste treats. That he remained in a variety of low-fat yogurt is added sweeteners, which can badly affect your metabolism. When buying yogurt to choose products with a sufficient amount of fat.
8. "Organic" snacks
These snacks supposedly very helpful, and in general they can eat as much as you want. In fact, if you spend a little time to study the composition of the bar, you'll see it in sugar and other not very useful for slimming the figure products. Organic sugar is a bit more useful than its conventional counterpart. But it is absolutely harmless this does not become.
9. Whole-wheat bread
This bread is touted as an alternative to standard products from wheat flour. In general, information is fairly close to the truth - in a whole wheat bread more fiber and vitamins of group B. But often this is not the bread made from grains and whole wheat finely ground. It also raises blood sugar as normal wheat flour.
10. Trail mixes
This mixture of dried fruits, grains and nuts, you can buy in any small shop. This food will be perfect in the campaign or during intense exercise. However, the majority of such high-calorie combination of products is simply not needed.
I'm not saying that everything is bad and does not have to cost these or other products. Just when you exclude all the above goodies from your diet, the more quickly you get the desired result.
via takprosto.cc
1. Fast Food Breakfast

Breakfast cereals often contain incredible amounts of carbohydrates and sugar. Large quantities of these components are detrimental for you, besides, they are guaranteed to provoke a sharp jumps in blood sugar with subsequent sharp decline. After the use of such goodies, you will feel hungry just a few hours after breakfast. If you're a big supporter of cereals, try to move to natural cereals. Of course, the preparation of such products at times longer, but good for the metabolism will be more.
2. Granola

It is worth noting - baked muesli, which are prepared from natural ingredients are very helpful. However, in recent years, observed a negative trend - unscrupulous manufacturers try to replace expensive and useful products for cheaper. The result, in the granola you can discover unnecessary waist and other parts of the body butter and sugar.
3. Shop salad dressings

Vegetables - is power, especially if they are backed up by a piece of meat. Fiber, enzymes, minerals - this is an incomplete list of a variety of nutrients, which you can find in them. However, most are not thrilled with the soft flavor of vegetables and unsaturated, and prefers to use a variety of salad dressing. Almost all of them contain syrups, soy or palm oil, which only delay the process of losing weight. If you do not like the taste of natural salad dressing is better to prepare yourself.
4. Fruit juices

Each beautiful and active people should start their mornings with a glass of juice, so thought a few years ago. Now, nutritionists do not recommend too highly often use natural juices. These drinks are completely devoid of fiber, which would be prevented from entering the blood sugar.
About us juice I will not even mention the percentage of sugar in them is the same as that of cola. Do you want to lose weight - drink herbal tea without sugar or fruit drink.
5. Agave nectar

Now agave nectar can be seen in advertising health food stores as an ideal replacement of sugar. The process of creating such raw materials is quite transparent - there is really only natural products. But if you familiarize yourself with the chemical composition you will see that in the nectar of a lot of fructose. In normal sugar you will find 50% of the substance, but in the product of the agave, its concentration can be up to 90%. High levels of fructose can cause damage to health and cause obesity. Can not live without sweetener - go to grass stevia.
6. Diet drinks

Standard misleading all the sweet tooth. Of course, buying diet soda you get a lot less calories, but an artificial sweetener and belongs to the drink, can stimulate appetite. As a result, calories can still be deposited on your hips, just several hours later.
7. Low-fat yogurt

Not all yogurts are created equal - it was written on the grave of Vasily Ivanovich. If you're used to count every calorie, I would not recommend buying a low-fat version of this product. When manufacturers take away the fat yogurt, then disappears buttery taste treats. That he remained in a variety of low-fat yogurt is added sweeteners, which can badly affect your metabolism. When buying yogurt to choose products with a sufficient amount of fat.
8. "Organic" snacks

These snacks supposedly very helpful, and in general they can eat as much as you want. In fact, if you spend a little time to study the composition of the bar, you'll see it in sugar and other not very useful for slimming the figure products. Organic sugar is a bit more useful than its conventional counterpart. But it is absolutely harmless this does not become.
9. Whole-wheat bread

This bread is touted as an alternative to standard products from wheat flour. In general, information is fairly close to the truth - in a whole wheat bread more fiber and vitamins of group B. But often this is not the bread made from grains and whole wheat finely ground. It also raises blood sugar as normal wheat flour.
10. Trail mixes

This mixture of dried fruits, grains and nuts, you can buy in any small shop. This food will be perfect in the campaign or during intense exercise. However, the majority of such high-calorie combination of products is simply not needed.
I'm not saying that everything is bad and does not have to cost these or other products. Just when you exclude all the above goodies from your diet, the more quickly you get the desired result.
via takprosto.cc
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