How to look 20 at 50, will tell Natasha Corret, a nutritionist from London. Victoria Beckham prays for an alkaline diet!
It’s no secret that our appearance depends on foodThe ones we use. Everything that enters your stomach will manifest itself in the most inappropriate places. This is not just about cakes and soda.
In the list. junk It was meat, eggs, coffee, cheese. But these are the usual components of the daily diet, not just popular diets.
Hollywood beauties Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Aniston and 50-year-old El McPherson promote alkaline nutrition as ideal and balanced in terms of benefits and beauty. Its main principle is the use of food with a high alkali content, because it prevents the accumulation of acid in the body - the causes of inflammation, obesity and aging.
Victoria Beckham’s diet is based on the book “Honestly Healthy Alkaline Programme”, which is written by the famous London chef and nutritionist Natasha Corret and nutritionist Vicky Edson. The book presents not only general recommendations, but also recipes for proper dishes.
If the desire for change is very high, try to change your diet so that the food is useful and brings pleasure. Alkaline and acidic foods It should be in an individual balance. To build your own ideal diet, see a table of combinations of different products with each other.
Do not dwell on exhausting diets, always approach the restrictions carefully and do not forget about physical activity. Remember that dissatisfaction with yourself and obsession with weight loss do not allow you to achieve a positive result. We have a lot of nutrition tips, choose the right one and get ready to conquer the world!
Show this article to friends, probably many of them dream of a healthy body and a beautiful figure!

In the list. junk It was meat, eggs, coffee, cheese. But these are the usual components of the daily diet, not just popular diets.
Hollywood beauties Victoria Beckham, Jennifer Aniston and 50-year-old El McPherson promote alkaline nutrition as ideal and balanced in terms of benefits and beauty. Its main principle is the use of food with a high alkali content, because it prevents the accumulation of acid in the body - the causes of inflammation, obesity and aging.

Victoria Beckham’s diet is based on the book “Honestly Healthy Alkaline Programme”, which is written by the famous London chef and nutritionist Natasha Corret and nutritionist Vicky Edson. The book presents not only general recommendations, but also recipes for proper dishes.
- Theory. As you know, the acid-base balance (pH) in the body directly affects the metabolism. Normally, the stomach is dominated by an acidic environment for better digestion of food. The index of maximum acidity is 1 pH, neutrality, or balance of acid and alkali, is 7 pH, the maximum alkaline medium is 14 pH. The blood pH should remain between 7.35 and 7.45.
“A normal pH level is essential for the human body. This is due to the fact that the protein that is the basis of the cell must strictly maintain some geometric shapes in order to function properly, and the three-dimensional forms of the protein are highly dependent on even a small change in pH.
If blood acidity All exchange processes are disrupted. Food is poorly absorbed, there is a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements, the body cannot break down fats, and they accumulate on the walls of blood vessels and in organs. As a result, immunity decreases, the condition of hair and skin worsens.
If you do not pay attention and do nothing, the skin becomes dull and flabby, a rash may appear or, even worse, eczema or psoriasis.
Nutritionist Natasha Corret insists that alkaline nutrition is not a diet, it is a healthy diet that supports your body. As a reward, you will receive shiny hair, clean skin and a beautiful figure.
The paradox is that most of the foods we eat are acid-forming. The habit of hurrying, doing everything on the run, physical activity increases the level of acidity. If you actively lose weight, a lot of toxins appear in the blood. alkaline They help to remove them from the body. Therefore, it is impossible to achieve a good result only with sports and exercises. Proper nutrition is 80% of success on the way to a beautiful figure! - The principle of alkaline nutrition If you seriously decide to change your diet, you will have to try hard. The diet should consist of 70% alkaline products and 30% acidic. In a week you will see the results! Do not forget about the golden rule of any diet: 50% carbohydrates, 25% protein and 25% fat.
See the list of products that increase acidity, their use should be limited.
The main dish on your table should be vegetables. Fruits only low in sugar - lemon, lime, grapefruit, avocado and berries. As acidic products can be whole grain bread, nuts, seeds, some fruits, as well as sheep or goat milk. If it is difficult to completely abandon meat, replace pork and red meat with chicken.
Elle McPherson prays for an alkaline diet, especially spinach. She also eats beets with goat cheese and only allows herself one cup of espresso a day. The result of a 50-year-old old woman can envy 20-year-old models, which she is not inferior in beauty figure. El is so fond of alkaline foods that, together with her nutritionist, she is engaged in the production of a food “anti-acid” supplement.
To improve metabolic processes, you need to drink more alkaline water. Use a special filter or add 0.5 liters of pure water juice of a quarter of a lemon.
Alcohol strongly oxidizes the body. If you want to lose weight and keep the weight normal, it is advisable to abandon it completely, and not only for the duration of the diet. - Basic rules Don't focus on the taste of the product. Sour lemon, citrus fruits belong to the alkaline group, you can safely use them.
Choose meat products with minimal fat. Cook chicken fillet or turkey without skin. Replace dairy products with soy. Do not get carried away with cereals, porridge a maximum of 2-3 times a week. Eliminate coffee, drink plenty of water with lemon, herbal tea. Forget sugar and all the foods that contain it. The amount of salt is reduced to a minimum. Also banned spices with flavor enhancers, yeast, starch.
The alkaline diet consists of three stages that cannot be changed. The duration of each is one week. The basis of the first is fresh, not thermally processed vegetables and fruits, berries, greens. It is allowed to stew or bake them, and carbohydrates, fats and proteins should be from a neutral group of products and make up 20% of the diet. At the second stage, juices and smoothies from berries and vegetables are added to food.
In the last week you can eat grains, it can be a portion of porridge a day or 2 pieces of whole grain yeastless bread. It is advisable to connect physical activity to the diet - walking more than 30 minutes a day, swimming, running. - Know the measure!
Do not make a radical transition with the complete elimination of acid products, do it gradually. Excessive rigor in such a diet leads to "alkalizing" the body and causes dangerous consequences. People with reduced secretory function of the stomach and atrophic gastritis should refrain from dieting. Also, in the presence of any cardiovascular diseases, such a diet is prohibited. Try to change the diet for 3 weeks, then increase the amount of acidic foods, so as not to deprive the body of important substances.
If the desire for change is very high, try to change your diet so that the food is useful and brings pleasure. Alkaline and acidic foods It should be in an individual balance. To build your own ideal diet, see a table of combinations of different products with each other.
Do not dwell on exhausting diets, always approach the restrictions carefully and do not forget about physical activity. Remember that dissatisfaction with yourself and obsession with weight loss do not allow you to achieve a positive result. We have a lot of nutrition tips, choose the right one and get ready to conquer the world!
Show this article to friends, probably many of them dream of a healthy body and a beautiful figure!