Tourists, where are you, damn it? ASA banned the advertising campaign of tourism in Australia

An independent self-regulating organization to comply with the advertising standards in the UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has banned an Australian TV commercial.

ASA received complaints from 33 Britons angry over the advertising campaign, Quantas Airlines and Tourism Australia. Anger caused the inhabitants of Albion slogan placed on posters and in TV commercials - «So, where the bloody hell are you?» (Where are you, damn it?). According to the British harsh words do not have to sound from TV screens.

«So, where the bloody hell are you?» - Asks a pretty girl in a bikini.

ASA had already prohibited the display advertising Tourism Australia. Recently, however, under the influence of Australian officials, called the ban nonsense, it was decided to re-start running ads on television.

In March, advertising Tourism Australia again appeared on TV and immediately aroused strong criticism. Originally intended to prohibit the showing of the advertising up to 21 hours in order to protect children from abusive phrases. But soon it was decided by which the advertising campaign, which cost is estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars, stop.

Thus, 33 people were able to expel the advertisement with 55 million television screens.



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