BBDO Mexico and Pepsi: The main thing - to choose the right door!
BBDO Mexico in a new video Pepsi has shown that the problem of choice is not so complicated.
Roller «Puertas» - «Doors", released in Mexico as part of a worldwide campaign to change the design, banks, shows one man's life through the lens of choice. From birth until his death, a person determines his fate by choosing one or the other door. With such an intricate and poignant metaphors Pepsi wanted to tell the consumer that everything in his hands, including the one which is Pepsi.
So far, the Mexican market design cans Pepsi is presented in 5 cases out of 35 planned for 2007.
Tagline: "Srea, expresa, atrevete experimenta más» - «creates, expresses, it gives courage to experiment more».
Materials Site of the new campaign Pepsi:
Carbonated chameleon. Pepsi will change the design of bottles of 35 times a year
Pepsi is ready to carry out rebranding biweekly
Pepsi seriously change the philosophy of the brand. In Russia, too
"Open. Live. Express Yourself "- a new concept in Russia Pepsi
BBDO Moscow introduces the Russians with the first three updated packages Pepsi
Collective billboard. Consumers "Pepsi" together to create a design for the billboard Taymc Square
10 addresses rebranding. As part of its marketing campaign, Pepsi has launched a series of promotional sites
Look, the Americans - the new banks Pepsi. BBDO NY promotes PepsiGallery
Pepsi will be engaged in the design buyers
via www.adme.ru/pepsi/2007/04/09/16731/
Roller «Puertas» - «Doors", released in Mexico as part of a worldwide campaign to change the design, banks, shows one man's life through the lens of choice. From birth until his death, a person determines his fate by choosing one or the other door. With such an intricate and poignant metaphors Pepsi wanted to tell the consumer that everything in his hands, including the one which is Pepsi.
So far, the Mexican market design cans Pepsi is presented in 5 cases out of 35 planned for 2007.
Tagline: "Srea, expresa, atrevete experimenta más» - «creates, expresses, it gives courage to experiment more».

Materials Site of the new campaign Pepsi:
Carbonated chameleon. Pepsi will change the design of bottles of 35 times a year
Pepsi is ready to carry out rebranding biweekly
Pepsi seriously change the philosophy of the brand. In Russia, too
"Open. Live. Express Yourself "- a new concept in Russia Pepsi
BBDO Moscow introduces the Russians with the first three updated packages Pepsi
Collective billboard. Consumers "Pepsi" together to create a design for the billboard Taymc Square
10 addresses rebranding. As part of its marketing campaign, Pepsi has launched a series of promotional sites
Look, the Americans - the new banks Pepsi. BBDO NY promotes PepsiGallery
Pepsi will be engaged in the design buyers
via www.adme.ru/pepsi/2007/04/09/16731/
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