How to stop to take time off and start working
One of Leonardo da Vinci as delayed delivery time of one of the works that he had to flee from an angry customer. But this episode did not teach him anything. Leonardo repeatedly violated deadlines. He was a great prokrastinatorom.Prokrastinatsiya - clumsy word officially-respectable person can replace a lot of colloquial synonyms, like, pull the cat's tail, Volyn, dig, Gimp drag out. Home procrastination gave two Latin words: «pro» - and for «cras» - tomorrow. So, tomorrow, tomorrow, not today - all procrastinators say.
I'll think about it zavtraNekotorye believe that procrastination leads to one thing: the delays. Not at all: other procrastinators manage to meet all the deadlines, but at the cost of much time and complete imbalance workflow.
The fact that the time to perform any task includes the time to "acceleration": it is necessary to understand the problem, to prepare for work, have a cup of tea. In procrastinators crackdown on indecent delayed for a long time: they do not what they should be, or not to do anything at all. As a result, the average procrastinator experiences:
I'll think about it zavtraNekotorye believe that procrastination leads to one thing: the delays. Not at all: other procrastinators manage to meet all the deadlines, but at the cost of much time and complete imbalance workflow.
The fact that the time to perform any task includes the time to "acceleration": it is necessary to understand the problem, to prepare for work, have a cup of tea. In procrastinators crackdown on indecent delayed for a long time: they do not what they should be, or not to do anything at all. As a result, the average procrastinator experiences:
- A sense of wonder stupidly wasted time - no matter postponed it a job or a kitty on it until looming deadline.
- The feeling of oppression backlog problem.
- The feeling that all you have to irreparably, and the consequent sense of guilt.
Most procrastinators far from such a harmony with itself. Therefore, try to understand the reasons for shirking from work - so at least it will be more aware and less painful.
Feeling katastrofyChasto first impression of the upcoming serious business - despair: "I do not ever will overcome." You can, of course, call it fear of failure, but the feeling of hopelessness and often have quite confident people.
It is something else: the task set (especially new and unusual) seems huge blocks unknown which side to approach it.
What to do. As Caesar bequeathed to us, divide and conquer. Shall describe from what challenges you are facing is a problem. Can they be divided into even smaller - as long as each of the goals will not be very specific and indivisible? Then ask yourself the question: what would the most difficult thing that can be done on autopilot, and that we should give up the main force.
In order to support recall, how many times an intuitive sense of catastrophe brings you - surely you have had to stand in front of an array of problems, which eventually turned out to be quite solvable.
Event Horizon overshadowed rabotaNi's no revelation that people are divided into those who are comfortable working on multiple tasks in parallel, switching from one to another, and those who does not tolerate frequent switching. The destiny of the past - a long and fruitful work on something one and not to be disturbed.
When "odnostanochnik" risks becoming a procrastinator? Then, when he set to work on a task "from dawn until the fence." That is, not able to measure how long it takes to run the case. It seems that all the terms are laid, it is necessary to use: a week - so a week for three hours - means three hours.
This strategy gives a slight infantilism: someone external dictates how much time is necessary to cope with. However, similar to the control in the classroom?
What to do. It is not necessary to shift to the other control of his life, including control over the time. Break standing in front of you a great deal on a few specific and final objectives. Describe how much time you can perform each of them. Then make a list of other things (useful and pleasant) that you want to accomplish in the near future. It does not allow "inflate" the main case to epic proportions and overshadow the rest of his life. Malignant procrastinators can take a timer on it and noting how long it took to perform a specific task, comparing the actual desired.
Hidden nepriyatnostPoroy impossible to force myself to take up the case because it does not belong to the soul - and even die. Pangs of conscience and ethical issues are to do with it, and it's generally pleasant. But it may contain a small, but malicious element, which engage in would not be desirable - for example, a very tedious calculations, the need to consult with a boorish man. The share of the "troubles" can be very small compared to the nice part of the case, but it can poison the whole of existence.
What to do. It's time to break up all the tasks in the pleasant and not. By the way, they can be troublesome because of concern they may be formulated vague, unrealistic or slabodostizhimy their achievement is not limited in time. In general, they are not unpleasant and troublesome. And the sooner they will be tracked problematical, the easier it will be to cope with it and begin to address the problem as a whole. Well, nice and nasty piece of work can be alternated.
Beautiful life we poteryaliSluchaetsya and so that undertake work just do not feel like it. And even in the dismemberment of pleasant and unpleasant fragments do not help: they revolted. And if you catch yourself thinking, "But right now you can do something fun," therefore, unpleasant work associates you with deprivation. There is a fear that the work will consume you and leave no time or energy for anything else. Why would willingly go into the jaws to sink?
What to do. Try to stop and replace heavy sigh: "I have to do it" on "I want to do that ...." To quickly get rid, not to let the important people for you to temper the character, to acquire the necessary experience. And if all these "to" do not work, perhaps, is to prevent seditious thought: maybe this job and really absorbs you and gives nothing in return? Maybe it well?
Miracle dedlaynaNakonets, some procrastinators, there is almost a conscious desire to hold on to the deal deadline: they believe that in the very tight deadlines, they work much more productively.
People with this kind of productivity exist. But they are much less than we would like to think. For the rest of the proximity deadline - is nerves, liters of coffee, a task in general terms, without detailed elaboration, and finally one or two days "othodnyaka" after delivery of the work.
What to do. You can set yourself an interim deadline - for example, in order to put an end to one project and do quite another. Do not delude ourselves that this approach does not help to get rid of the agony of the real deadline, but at least be able to soften it, and at the same time reduce the time allotted for procrastination.
Elena Uvarov
via medportal.ru/