13 reasons not to be a manager
However, purely administrative work is fraught with many pitfalls, which is better to know in advance, in time to make the right choice.
1. This impasse
Once becoming a manager, alas, you remain so forever. Even if you get tired of endlessly to improve their management skills and rend the air, do something real and practical to have a very, very difficult. The fact that such activities requires a constant updating of the experience: the world is not standing still, changing technologies, methods, approaches, of which you were simply not aware of until cooked in managerial circles. The developer, for example, can become a manager, but not vice versa.
2. Glass ceiling
Yes, there is a glass ceiling, the invisible growth of a kind that is not initially visible. In short: without a radical change of the industry and country of residence at the managers have a fairly narrow corridor financial and career in which you can "grow and develop." The ceiling - it's all kinds directors and their deputies who are often the founders and co-owners of the company. Simply put, these are the managerial positions to which it is impossible to "grow" and can only "get there».
3. What to do?
Invariably confronted with a stunning lack of understanding of what a property manager should be engaged all day? Documentation, job description or description, as a rule, it is blurred, vague and filled with stamped phrases and terms. But usually there is not even her! Moreover, attempts to find out at least a high-level goal of his managerial activities run into the same stream nerasshifrovyvaemyh empty words: ensure to establish, maintain, achieve, create, etc.
4. Do not have time
Even the smallest managerial positions means that all you need is your time. That time, not acknowledge. A couple of weeks and you will find that more than 80% of working hours a week are planned for various meetings, phone calls, conferences, to which there is absolutely no time to prepare. Seasoned managers adapt, for example, knowing that neither prepare for the meeting, or to work on some document on its results will not work anyway, they lay this time in the meeting itself. And then spend all day on two, three, four-hour meetings, where there are up to a dozen people, most of them to be there to anything.
5. Ragged day
Weekday manager torn to pieces. Meetings at which stealthily trying to answer ... dtsat fresh letters, phone calls on the way from one meeting to another, as well as colleagues who always need something urgently, right now! And while delve into the essence of the problem in the inbox fallen three more letters on the phone to draw two more unanswered calls. For concrete, tangible work is impossible to find any extended period of continuous working hours.
6. Irregular day
Suddenly, a private non-working time is no longer belong to you: having meetings, filling the whole day, incoming mail in sufficient quantities to fill the same accident the day, as well as the need is still something really do lead to the fact that regularly find yourself working from home in the evening or delays in the office. And this situation is considered quite normal!
7. Inboksovoe overflow
The number of daily incoming emails from the manager is growing exponentially. Even using all the possible "gadgets" e-mail client - filters, folders, labels, etc., even using every wise and not so methods of organizing time, even disappearing in the evenings Autluk to the detriment of the family and the rest - all the same there is no real possibly even carefully read all correspondence, let alone meaningful responses to all.
8. Net liability
The managerial circles are very fond of handing responsibility for anything. This is done with great fervor, is presented as an incredible positivity and happiness for the one who receives such a responsibility, but there are some pitfalls. Firstly, such happiness refuse is practically impossible. Second, never give any details about what actually will have to "answer". Third, of course, the responsibility is distributed only in its pure form, ie without any power or the resources to really affect the situation of accountability.
9. It's not my job
Since the management itself - it's something murky, fuzzy, then the managers almost no way to say that is not part of his duties - without extraordinary record of a loved one in the list of unreliable traitors undermining the very foundations of the company. As a result, the average manager periodically finds himself involved in the purchase of office furniture, finding employees, and lots of different other things, poorly amenable to any clear categorization.
10. Enchanting contingent
It is believed that all managers can be, but because the crowds with a strange experience, and with no useful skills randomly migrate from sales of washing powder to software development. And, indeed, does it matter than lead? Understand the intricacies of the case and do not feel they have no time, they make a career - that, in fact, is their main and sometimes the only real "specialty". This creates a special atmosphere managerial: intrigues, scandals, investigations, the bases of hysteria, a cunning plan to seize power ilk.
11. Food Chain Reporting
The big boss needs to give him a report, and gives the order subordinate managers, who are starting to, in turn, pull their subordinates and to demand from them any information, and those - run to his subordinates ... and so on. Form a chain of people and their actions, that the end result - a colorful report to someone very important. Interestingly also the fact that in large organizations there is a stratum of people who wake up only during the harvest statements. And because accounting figures and graphs - this is their mission and the meaning of life, God forbid, to meet them, because these guys will sweep away everything and everyone on the way to the coveted data.
12. Warm human contact
In good, people communicate effectively about a dozen people - holding the head in the whole history of relations with them, keeping in mind all of the data and obtaining pledges and their interests. When the people around getting bigger, the quality of communication predictably falls: inevitably begin to lose valuable information, could hardly hold in mind at least the names of people, their faces, and then you can not remember this man something asked me last week, and he all are working only Monday.
13. No longer a
In any working team are added some of his social circle. Here we are not talking about friendship families and joint picnics on weekends. Everything is far more prosaic - to exchange a few words about anything to joke about his superiors, clients send or receive a link to some ridiculous garbage. These little things make it possible to get distracted and do not go crazy. However, once you become a manager, you begin to notice that in thine appearance at the coffee machine or in the smoking room subside lively conversations, changing tone, topic of conversation, and then accidentally finds out that in addition to the official project chat, there is also an unofficial, but you there forgot to invite; and in that moment you realize that you're not the team does its.
See also:
Reasons for not working in large companies
via habrahabr.ru/post/165091/