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Alexander Oleshko: I used to go to the fear.

< Anatoly Golubovskii

< Sasha Oleshko - actor "Black Square", artistic Gestalt therapist with forensic past. Our conversation takes place not too linear. At first it was the desire to give it a more comeliness, but then decided that so be it. It's Oleshko.

< Where is born, grew up?

-In Kiev. 06.21.1985 year. Grew up in Kiev, but spent a lot of time with my grandmother in Chernigov.
< -Vynuzhdenno or volunteer?

-At Least growing more like staying with telecom, set-top boxes. Kiev was dearer than nature
< How did life appeared forensics?

-By Need.
< -So, natural inclinations were not?

-As A child, reading detective stories. It was interesting. But first I wanted to study criminology not, and jurisprudence. My parents are simple, without higher education. Money was tight. I wanted to change something
< -You childhood spread rot?

< -Sverstniki

-I Can not say that I was haunted, but often fought. Was an outcast. Not one, just a class was divided into zadrotov and those who smoke and booze
< -Powerful criterion

Well, that's it. Not that it is absolutely the only two attributes, but yes, they were important. I talked with those who did not smoke or booze. Sports, however, are not engaged and interested. But books, games - yes
< -Where an interest in psychology?

Yes, he was a child. In general, liked three areas: law, journalism and psychology. Psychology liked in general. And then began to study and found that I do not want to be a lawyer and criminology closer to me - I got all seven levels of tolerance, I had a diploma ...
< -What "raisins" caught you in this matter?

-It Is interesting: going to the crime scene, you start to look for traces and compare - prints, print fake or not ... Then he decided to leave.
< Why?

'I looked at the people who have reached the maximum and realized that if I go down that road, I shall come to that point - Head of Department, Department of - and all. Then - nothing. And I do not like. I did not want to be in place that person. And if so - then why do I need it?
And, having worked quite a bit left. A nedoyurist, a former policeman, the market broke. Once retired, could not find a job. Parents helped, supported, but I knew that in a warm apartment with a full fridge I lost motivation. Though it was sending a hundred resumes a day and went to the interview, but it was not - no experience, it is not, this is not. After some time had gone from his parents, because they no longer sit on the neck just could not. Gathered suitcase - and dumped. I had a little money - a month to pay for housing. Shot with polubomzhami komnatuhu on Poznyaky in half an hour walk from the subway. It was fun. Wake up in the morning - and the kitchen two dogs chopped. The host for some reason decided to tame them at night, and then they decided to run away. Through the window. And in krovische.
< -The historical monologue "flesh" is based on real events, without artistic exaggeration?

-One One. I am going to put only in special sudochki to smell did not go through. And when he opened the refrigerator, it was necessary to first take a step back, because it was pulled out of a shtynk that his eyes were watering. Could not see the food. In general, quite tough conditions.
At first he worked in sales of cold "Yellow Pages". They opened the online department, did your site. Then he went
< What do not suit?

-Vygorelo All. We had to sell every month the same thing, I do not really believe in the product, although it did largest turnover. And then the crisis of 2008, I was offered a place in the company, which started to engage in contextual advertising Google. It was seven people.
Came to the post of sales manager, after three or four months, became head of the department, in a year - commercial director, two years later was CEO. When leaving, the company has already worked more than a hundred people. And it was the largest Google partner in the CIS.
< -A here that was not the case?

-I Was not the owner of the company. And at some point I realized that I keep it just the money: I have reached a ceiling and ceased to grow. And when you do not develop - degradiruesh. As soon as the thought "oh, go back to this work" - it's time to leave.
I was offered another project, and I left.

< -Vernemsya psychology

-Aaa) When I was in the position of General, was closed Maslow pyramid - money accommodation. Remembered about their hobbies and interests. To distract from work, dancing Argentine tango. But forget about the psychology. Going to enter the Dragomanova. However, to be a psychologist theorist would not. The knowledge that there was given, I was not too inspiring. And then my friend Victor offers the option to Gestalt therapy. They say, too, psychology, but 90% practical. Went - tried - like it. I did not plan to be a Gestalt therapist. Saw himself as the top-end manager, but not a therapist. This was done for myself, as a stage of development. This happened three years ago.
< -So, about the same time with the arrival of the Black Square?

-Yes I Am. I can not remember much earlier, around the same time.
< -If the psychology of clear realization of a childhood dream and all that, then what about the theater? It seems that he is not part of your interests?

-There Are very curious happened. I got used to life guided by feeling. I call it "the call." When I can not understand and explain, but I was "calling", I'm going.
< -So, trust your intuition?

-You Can say that. So. Once I gave lessons on Bioenergy - how to feel, to manage it. There is a method Bronnikova, I am a certified teacher of this method. This is something like qigong. At one of the sessions came the people who used to work in the theater - Dima and Sergey Malkov Hnatiuk with his wife. Sergey - a former partner Klyatskin on kitsch. He is now co-owner of Pandora Studio - the largest photo studio in Ukraine. I had the opportunity to see how they lived, how quickly thought and reacted to events as they were getting themselves out of humor, as they could make the crowd. This quality of life and such a relationship I have never seen. Is that in the movies. It was interesting, I was drawn to them. Formed a common get-together, but then we went their separate ways.
And I remembered the black square, because for a long time wanted to see arrival. And then there's the employee entered the KGB and went all so happy and told me how cool it is.
Came with a girl - see neighing. Look, neighing. I caught myself thinking that I would be scared to go on stage, tell poem, dance. And this is bad - because of this fear, I do not live a full life. Such is the insight. I thought, "Sasha, here you are CEO of an advertising agency to earn decent money, and you're scared. Some student - maybe fifteen girl - maybe. And you - no. What the crap? "And promised myself to do. Because I used to go to the fear. Where fear - there is energy.
< -It did you know a child or later?

-As A child. For fear always new perspectives. The new me. In the summer, we now Hnatiuk went to Bulgaria, where one of our mutual friend taught me how to sing. Because I can not sing at all. With dancing - well, still went to tango, somehow hoping proprygat. History - took a piece of life, a piece came up with anecdotes were no problems, a poem - as well. Went to do. Entered. For me, the theater was like a breath of fresh air - with Neelovskimi lectures atmosphere ...

< -And you Neelov deducted

Yes, two months have passed, and I was expelled
< -C any wording?

 - "Sasha, you see, you do not get."
And I somehow knew that all this is so. That wood, tighten maloemotsionalny. I still do not especially with emotions. And then - it was really bad. Pokerfeys. No wonder - since childhood all gagging. Replied that it actually came to learn. Grustnenko certainly was. While I understand that the general background - again an outcast, with no one especially not communicated. Plus system survival group Neelova - you need all the time to be seen. Anton Schudlo advised me to go to the group Misha Kostrova. Allegedly, it also expelled, he began to walk to Misha, he liked it. About Misha and his group at the time knew that it was at the hearing in the group Neelova that this little under-. Nedoaktery, nedokvadratovtsy, nedolyudi)) Dregs. Well, figure it, why not try it. Anton gave the phone number of the Lena (wife Misha). I scored. Came to Misha. By the way, I think many people will come - was deducted a lot of people. And it's two. I was left alone.
The atmosphere is completely different from Kostrova and everything else. As training, perhaps. Here and continued my torment.
< -I Misha immediately "went»?

-It Was flour. At one point I found myself thinking that so hard in my life is not given. When hungry, when to jog at the Academy, when something does not work - no matter what I was doing before, all given easier than acting. It was very heavy. Fires simply scoffed. Begins to play with me - teasing, all neigh, and I do not understand why. And I am ashamed and angry, and sad, and incomprehensible. I'm a man of the brain: I need to first understand and when I see the system, then I can build.
< -You go from the brain? I can not believe. In the game your fishechki - catch some small faktik and build from it a paradoxical whole universe. And so that is passed from the brain ...

-Obyasnyu. I like Sasha Oleshko of what happens on the court, there is little that can surprise. To me "hooked". I share the brain into two parts. And do all the estimates of the mind. At first I was brain aware that this event should be evaluated - I always remember about this and spend this mad intellectual resource - attentive, I automatically, but you still need to give some estimates. Face, posture, gestures should be changed. And it all - from the mind. Well, interest on 90. If this process took place on the machine, I would have built the worlds three times better and faster.

< a revelation. Especially because I have the same problem, and for the stage, I think it is a problem - I cast out through the brain. And often it happens that the train leaves until assess the situation.

-You Know, at some point, I became tense that I began to forget a lot. Talk to the man - and then forgotten about. I forgot the name of Knightley. Forgotten whole pieces. But then noticed that it gives its advantages. Maybe because they do not have in mind this information, I can very quickly come up on the site. That is, instead of the brain work in memory mode starts to work in the mode of creation. And I scored that began to forget.
When I start to improvise, you have no idea, at which point everything will start and when and what the outcome. Just try to be very careful. Do evaluation and follow that there is in me thought out.
< -In this mode, virtually any event can become a mega-event. How you manage to apply.

-Yes I Am. And yet - timeliness. For example, when a joke is born, I anticipate the moment when it can be inserted. Because if sooner or later - not "go down". Well, of course - feed. So here we have a serious waste of resources. This does not happen automatically.
< Ta feed, which is now inherent in you - a purely personal organics or something is on the evaluation of the audience? Tried - gone - applied again?

-And Then, and more. If the game tried a new element, it turned out and I understand by the reaction that turned out well, begin to apply and pump in real life. And then the game can just exaggerate it. It turns out that the theater improves quality of life, and life - as a trainer in front of the theater.
< -Just still on Neelov. On one of the discussions, I remember, he was trying to convey this postulate to the Studio. Say, you come and start playing only in the classroom. And you have to play all the time. And provides examples of how he and his wife do it.
A Oleshko as a playwright? You immediately see how it will look a sketch?

-First There is some grain, which going to build a sketch. But very often then have to leave him. Once on the street, I saw a girl who took out a cigarette. It it somehow especially kept. I had a picture. And I came up with a sketch and a half minutes, a man comes home, she sits smokes, and it is in this gesture is believed that they diverge. Such grain gives the original energy, the one on which everything is built. But at the moment working on the sketches I can abandon this gesture, and the girl. And that is born something else entirely.
< How did the project originated "Six Hats»?

Perestyuk elbow to mount learned. And he began to pull at me, "Let's create something." I was engaged in another direction - the construction business, and what to do with the ability to mount Colin did not have a clue. Then I started reading training in the company, which at one time worked for four years. And notice this piece: entrepreneurs do not know how to communicate on their websites advantage of goods and services in four words. What is unique, why should I buy it from him. All painfully the same. Copying texts, websites - solid gray mass. And when I get to choose, the main criterion - the price. I thought that if you make videos for 30-45 seconds, then it will help the consumer decide. Cole offered to make a movie. Found the artist. She drew what I wanted. Kohl mounted. I realized that it was a complete shit. Wild darkness. This does not help sell or convey the idea. Even me. While the first movie made in my training. Understandably, podvzgrustnulos. However, it became clear that we needed a man who sees the whole picture in my head. So we met with Bogdan Shuljak. I find clients, determines the direction to calculate the efficiency of serving as a marketer, identify ideas that laid the customer in your business initially. Bogdan draws. Kohl mounts.
< -A Volodya Tagvey and Lena Vahrameeva?

Had children, was the idea - with chocolate milk. Lena srezhissirovala.Volodya filmed. Kohl mounted. Received video. And we decided, "Let's send the clip to the competition." Did. Won. Since then went
< Why "Six Hats»?

-Thanks De Bono. He led exercises for the development of creativity. All computerized, konveeriziruetsya. There really is not enough creative people who can see new. Throughout. New quality of life
< -Ideal woman

-Ask To three years old ago)) ... Before there was any picture. Then life has shown that it is wrong ...
< -I understand you))
-)) I do not see the face, but there are some ...
< -Package requirements?

-No. By the way, about the package. It used to be: brought her home. Made tea. She washed the cup after that - plus. Not washed - minus. And now - everything has changed. Washed cup - plus. Not washed - well and good.
< -You changed each))

I do not change. Changed perception. Well, you do not want to wash in the end - not mine.
A girl - probably one close to where you can be yourself. Do not need someone to appear. No need to entertain. You can shut up. Silence - is very important. I'm at home very boring person. Objectively - boring and depressive sad. But I'm comfortable in this
< -So, you splash out at the theater?

-I Would not say. There is no such that recruit and splash out. I can walk in the theater, blunt, think. I guess I'm an introvert, but I like public speaking. Introvert who wants to be an extrovert. I do not know. I can not classify.
And in a relationship is important to me that was adopted here such as I am, calm and tranquility. That I was comfortable. And it is - ohrenet how difficult
< Yes really?

Representable!)) I thought - just as in real life are very few people that comfortable ...
< -In most cases, you are trying to pull some kind of picture. And if it is not stretched ...

-Or Does not match ...
< -Nachinayutsya troubles. If the discrepancy found in a month or two, it's okay. But when three years old ... but you saw me. Here it is, such as it is. And there was this. What are you there for me trying on?
-And Welcome to my clients))
< -K family ready?

-In Some day, yes. To some - no. As a binary code. Rather, yes. For this year, I met a girl with whom the feeling that yes, that's her, I could start a family. Previously, this was not
< -Recently you began to paint. This is one of the stages of self-development or something more?

-Vsyu Life envied artists. To the envy of concern as follows. I rejoice. As soon as there is a feeling - happy, and I understand that envy - a pointer to the fact that I can just as if I wanted to. Next, do not know

< -Role Multivarki in your life

-After The purchase I made on facebook post: "When I bought multivarku, I began to take a different attitude toward women." Received a lot of feedback. But in reality - no special role. I'm just the type of thinking - optimizer and entrepreneur. Important for me not to waste time on the abstract crap. Multivarka stupid cook. And, I do not need to control how it does it. I can not boil the milk in a saucepan - escapes. Stand over the stove - not mine. I eat to live. I like simple food - eggs, bread, garlic, milk.

-Yes I Am.
And I like that. How is it going.