The standards of feminine beauty
The average women's faces made up of thousands fotografiy.Yuzhnoafrikansky photographer Mike Mike (Mike Mike) introduced the world to a project called The Face of Tomorrow. Traveling the world, he photographed strange women from 40 different countries, and then with the help of a special computer program processes the images and their group pointed out the similarities.
The results show that a woman of any nationality originally beautiful. Of course there are regional differences in face shape, skin color and other features. Noticeable that the majority of representatives - brunettes. Mike explains: "Blonde hair is not dominant. In order to "print" a typical blonde, you are likely to find at least 70 100 people blondes. Such a result can only be achieved in Iceland ».
The photographer came to the idea of creating a project, when he lived in London: "Sitting on the subway, I suddenly wondered how many different people around - Somalis, Indians, Americans, Scandinavians, and dozens of other nationalities vying for a place in the city. I thought, "Who is he - a typical Londoner?" And I thought it would be great to combine all those people and look at how a typical Englishman looks, and by whom it will be in the future.
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The results show that a woman of any nationality originally beautiful. Of course there are regional differences in face shape, skin color and other features. Noticeable that the majority of representatives - brunettes. Mike explains: "Blonde hair is not dominant. In order to "print" a typical blonde, you are likely to find at least 70 100 people blondes. Such a result can only be achieved in Iceland ».
The photographer came to the idea of creating a project, when he lived in London: "Sitting on the subway, I suddenly wondered how many different people around - Somalis, Indians, Americans, Scandinavians, and dozens of other nationalities vying for a place in the city. I thought, "Who is he - a typical Londoner?" And I thought it would be great to combine all those people and look at how a typical Englishman looks, and by whom it will be in the future.

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