Shelves with hygiene products are empty amid the hype than you can replace the necessary things
Female hygiene products It's in short supply now! On the shelves of Russian stores for a long time can not find any pads or tampons. And some bloggers say that the right product is not even in pharmacies. What to do and how to be? Fortunately, there are at least 3 alternative options for replacing personal care products. We'll talk about them today.
Admittedly, I am glad that I am writing this article, since it has been more than 2 years since I abandoned the classic feminine hygiene products. I came to this consciously because I was guided by the desire not to harm nature. The average woman throws away 16,800 pads or tampons in her lifetime. Just think about that number!
This incredible amount of garbage is doomed to rot in landfills, because feminine hygiene products can not be recycled. In addition, it has long been proven that pads and tampons adversely affect the health of women. For example, they can cause toxic shock syndrome, disrupt the immune system and lead to even more serious consequences.
What to do, given that the usual pads and tampons may soon disappear completely? There's a way out! Next, I will talk about 3 alternatives that can replace feminine hygiene products.
Menstrual cups Menstrual cup - a truly ingenious invention. This is a small flexible vessel drop-shaped, made of special medical silicone. The capacity of the bowl is 20-40 ml. Its main advantage is its durability. If you buy a cup once, you can use it for many years, depending on the manufacturer.
I, for example, use a bowl of Ukrainian production Mila. The site says that such a bowl can be used for 10 years! Now imagine how much money you would save if you bought an eco-friendly alternative to pads and tampons.
Speaking of price. My bowl cost 490 UAH, or 1727 rubles at the current rate. There are cups both cheaper and more expensive. In addition, the product is sold even on AliEpress. However, I emphasize that it is worth buying the bowl exclusively from proven manufacturers.
Menstrual cup can be ordered online or buy it at the pharmacy. But I can't guarantee you'll find a bowl in any pharmacy stall. I know for sure that this hygiene product is sold in the network of Belarusian pharmacies Adel. In Russia, the bowl can be bought on the website of the OZON trading platform.
I recommend buying the cup directly from the manufacturer. So you can consult with a specialist who will help you pick up the product, based on the characteristics of your cycle and lifestyle. For example, those girls who are actively involved in sports, fit tougher bowls. Women who give birth are more likely to use larger bowls than those who do not yet have children.
I'll share my personal experience. I have been using the cup for a long time and I can say with confidence that it divides life into before and after. The cup not only does not cause any inconvenience, but, on the contrary, creates the feeling that there are simply no critical days. That's wonderful!
Not every girl will dare to use menstrual cups, and this is normal. An alternative can be purchased special absorbent underwear. Cowards have a protective membrane that retains moisture and allows the skin to breathe. Thanks to the sports style, underwear does not hinder your movements at all. You can play sports and other everyday activities without fear of leaking.
There are different models of this linen. For example, a protective swallow can be sewn throughout the height from the abdomen to the lower back or starting from the bottom of the abdomen and up to the lower back. It is believed that menstrual underwear is best suited for wearing during the first and last critical days. However, it depends on abundance.
It is better to have at least 2 pairs of panties per 1 cycle. After use, the laundry should be soaked in cold water, and then washed in the usual way for you.
Another alternative to disposable feminine hygiene products - reusable pads. Often they are made from cotton, so that the skin will breathe. The product does not contain any synthetic resins and flavors. And this will save you from possible allergies (with disposable means this happens) and irritation.
Reusable cotton pads come in different lengths and density. They are easily washed by hand with ordinary soap. To use them while not at home, it is enough to have a spare pad and a special cosmetics on a zip-lock. They usually do not miss moisture or smells.
If you are ready to change your life, but while you are afraid to use the menstrual cup, start small. Buy a few reusable pads and see how they show up in practice. Of course, there are other options for replacing feminine hygiene products. Here, for example, a whole video manual from Ekaterina Lyubimova, a blogger with a million audience. This creation looks quite funny, but the post has already collected more than 8 thousand likes.
How are you going to replace disposable pads and tampons?

Admittedly, I am glad that I am writing this article, since it has been more than 2 years since I abandoned the classic feminine hygiene products. I came to this consciously because I was guided by the desire not to harm nature. The average woman throws away 16,800 pads or tampons in her lifetime. Just think about that number!

This incredible amount of garbage is doomed to rot in landfills, because feminine hygiene products can not be recycled. In addition, it has long been proven that pads and tampons adversely affect the health of women. For example, they can cause toxic shock syndrome, disrupt the immune system and lead to even more serious consequences.
What to do, given that the usual pads and tampons may soon disappear completely? There's a way out! Next, I will talk about 3 alternatives that can replace feminine hygiene products.
Menstrual cups Menstrual cup - a truly ingenious invention. This is a small flexible vessel drop-shaped, made of special medical silicone. The capacity of the bowl is 20-40 ml. Its main advantage is its durability. If you buy a cup once, you can use it for many years, depending on the manufacturer.

I, for example, use a bowl of Ukrainian production Mila. The site says that such a bowl can be used for 10 years! Now imagine how much money you would save if you bought an eco-friendly alternative to pads and tampons.
Speaking of price. My bowl cost 490 UAH, or 1727 rubles at the current rate. There are cups both cheaper and more expensive. In addition, the product is sold even on AliEpress. However, I emphasize that it is worth buying the bowl exclusively from proven manufacturers.

Menstrual cup can be ordered online or buy it at the pharmacy. But I can't guarantee you'll find a bowl in any pharmacy stall. I know for sure that this hygiene product is sold in the network of Belarusian pharmacies Adel. In Russia, the bowl can be bought on the website of the OZON trading platform.
I recommend buying the cup directly from the manufacturer. So you can consult with a specialist who will help you pick up the product, based on the characteristics of your cycle and lifestyle. For example, those girls who are actively involved in sports, fit tougher bowls. Women who give birth are more likely to use larger bowls than those who do not yet have children.

I'll share my personal experience. I have been using the cup for a long time and I can say with confidence that it divides life into before and after. The cup not only does not cause any inconvenience, but, on the contrary, creates the feeling that there are simply no critical days. That's wonderful!
Not every girl will dare to use menstrual cups, and this is normal. An alternative can be purchased special absorbent underwear. Cowards have a protective membrane that retains moisture and allows the skin to breathe. Thanks to the sports style, underwear does not hinder your movements at all. You can play sports and other everyday activities without fear of leaking.
There are different models of this linen. For example, a protective swallow can be sewn throughout the height from the abdomen to the lower back or starting from the bottom of the abdomen and up to the lower back. It is believed that menstrual underwear is best suited for wearing during the first and last critical days. However, it depends on abundance.
It is better to have at least 2 pairs of panties per 1 cycle. After use, the laundry should be soaked in cold water, and then washed in the usual way for you.
Another alternative to disposable feminine hygiene products - reusable pads. Often they are made from cotton, so that the skin will breathe. The product does not contain any synthetic resins and flavors. And this will save you from possible allergies (with disposable means this happens) and irritation.
Reusable cotton pads come in different lengths and density. They are easily washed by hand with ordinary soap. To use them while not at home, it is enough to have a spare pad and a special cosmetics on a zip-lock. They usually do not miss moisture or smells.
If you are ready to change your life, but while you are afraid to use the menstrual cup, start small. Buy a few reusable pads and see how they show up in practice. Of course, there are other options for replacing feminine hygiene products. Here, for example, a whole video manual from Ekaterina Lyubimova, a blogger with a million audience. This creation looks quite funny, but the post has already collected more than 8 thousand likes.
How are you going to replace disposable pads and tampons?
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