Parable of despondency
- Many years ago, the Devil decided to show off and put on public display all the tools of his trade. He carefully put them in a glass case and attached to them labels, to let everyone know what it is and what is the cost of each of them.
What was the collection! There were brilliant Dagger Envy, and Hammer of Wrath and Greed trap. On the shelves were lovingly laid out all the instruments of fear, pride and hate. All the tools lying on the beautiful cushions and admired by every visitor of Hell.
And on the farthest shelf was a small unprepossessing and rather shabby wooden wedge labeled "Depression." Surprisingly, he was worth more than all the other instruments combined.
Asked why the devil so appreciates this subject, he replied:
- It is the only tool in my arsenal, on which I can rely on, if everyone else will be powerless - and he tenderly stroked the wooden wedge. - But if I manage to drive it into the man's head, it opens the door to all the other tools ...
via adme.ru