8 things you need to tell the parents at least once

For us there is no one dearer and dearer parents. In addition to education and maintenance, mom and dad give us even what constitutes true happiness of any man - is love, care, affection and support. Sometimes we are so caught up in things that we forget to thank them once again and to say how much we love them and appreciate. But it's never too late to approach them with your feelings.
Website published an article, which recalls the main.
I would like my parents to know all this before it is too late.
I think about you every day
Even when I'm busy and buried in some matters of vital importance - I always think about you.
I know sometimes it may seem that I did not try harder to stay in touch, but you are always in my thoughts. You are my own flesh and blood, and I feel both of you in your soul. I am sincerely grateful to you for all you have done for me
I know I do not often tell you this, but I'm really grateful to you for everything.
Even minor things did not go unnoticed by me, and I never forget to thank your mind, even if I forget to say it out loud.
As much as I paid all my taxes without you, Dad? As I learned to heal a broken heart without you, mom? I appreciate every single kind gesture, because I know you love me more than anything else. I love you more than anything else
I'm trying to tell you this often, but those words still can not convey how much I love you. I'm so happy that you are always ready to lend a hand, no matter what path I have chosen.
Even when you are not around, my ability to cope with difficulties remain with me, thanks to you. I love you - remember this. I know that many of you have sacrificed for the sake of his children
And I can not imagine how difficult the sacrifices were for you. Have children - then cherish them more than the other: it means to put their needs above their own and always make decisions based on what is best for them.
I can not even just quietly think about what you can ever doubt that I appreciate all that you had to sacrifice to make my life better. I was a good man, thanks to parents like you
I have to thank you for what I have become: a strong-willed and confident. You - is a force to be reckoned with, I admire your kindness, the fire that burns in you, and compassion.
You taught me to love, fight and believe in yourself. If I were given to other parents, I would not be in anyone now I am.
I'm sure you know how much I love you and I respect you as parents. But I want you to know that I respect you, and as human beings. You - the people to whom I look up to my spiritual mentors and my heroes. I very much miss you
Being away from home - a great loss to my heart. My desire to live in New York has nothing to do with how much I love you. I was constantly homesick sometimes fantasize what life would have been if I lived closer to family.
I miss you, but I also understand that you want me to follow their dreams and build their lives in this fantastic city. I have nightmares in which I lose you
I know I have to face it - you will not be with me forever, and once I will face life without you. I constantly have nightmares that I lose you both.
I want you to know how much you mean to me. I know that when you leave, daughter, you outgrowth will be strong enough to continue to live on, but I'll never be the same, and is important to me that you knew it. I can not say goodbye, I'll just say "see you»
Even when you leave this world, you will always remain with me. I need to frequently remind ourselves of this. You can not be there physically, but you will always remain in my heart.
All my life I want to remember smallest, most insignificant things and keep those pieces of you in my memory. It's a little consolation, because it reminds that when we lose those we love, they will never disappear completely.
via www.adme.ru/