Get rid of pesky kilos using these 5 rules. This is your body just do not expect!
Hormones play an important role in everyone's life. It depends on them, our weight, height, structure and amount of hair, breast size, skin type, and even the mood. While the hormones - invisible substance, their effect on the body is enormous. For example, if a woman is a "system failure", the consequences could result in irritability, fatigue, and even imperceptible adding extra kilos. Fortunately, if you follow these five rules, you can not just keep the normal hormone levels, but also to lose weight!
1. Sleep in a cool room
If you are used to sleeping in a warm room with dry air, and besides, even under a warm blanket - you risk not only overheat, but also disrupt sleep. Vsë the fact that, feeling uncomfortable, you try to open up and, what is more likely to wake up. And in this case, along with sleep you risk disrupt production of the hormone leptin, which is responsible for controlling appetite and weight. To avoid changes in hormone levels, try-before-bedtime set the thermostat to a lower mark or properly ventilate the room. In the cold season you can try to sleep with a half-open window leaves (as an option - to leave it open in another room).
2. Do not break the diet
Even if there is a huge temptation to eat something forbidden, try to overcome it. Diet is considered the best way to normalize hormonal balance without the use of drugs gormonosoderzhaschih.
3. Give up caffeine
Try to replace the daily intake of coffee a healthy habit. The fact that caffeine increases cortisol - a stress hormone. This means that the more coffee you consume, the more you become nervous and irritable.
4. Avoid sugary during PMS
The closer "women's day", the more we, the girls, I want chocolate. Try to overcome this temptation, replacing treat fresh or dried fruit. That they contain enough magnesium, which badly needs the female body during PMS.
5. Do not shirk physical exertion
Physical activity has a double benefit: first, they accelerate the metabolism process, and secondly, increase the production of endorphins - hormones that improve your mood and strengthen the immune system. For greater motivation and pleasure try in the classroom listening to music, so you increase the production of another hormone - serotonin.
If hormones are normal - the woman feels more confident, attractive, and even much younger! Do not hesitate to seek skilled help when you need it. Repost this article will help your girlfriends to know more about the background of hormonal and keep the body in good physical shape.
via takprosto.cc
1. Sleep in a cool room
If you are used to sleeping in a warm room with dry air, and besides, even under a warm blanket - you risk not only overheat, but also disrupt sleep. Vsë the fact that, feeling uncomfortable, you try to open up and, what is more likely to wake up. And in this case, along with sleep you risk disrupt production of the hormone leptin, which is responsible for controlling appetite and weight. To avoid changes in hormone levels, try-before-bedtime set the thermostat to a lower mark or properly ventilate the room. In the cold season you can try to sleep with a half-open window leaves (as an option - to leave it open in another room).

2. Do not break the diet
Even if there is a huge temptation to eat something forbidden, try to overcome it. Diet is considered the best way to normalize hormonal balance without the use of drugs gormonosoderzhaschih.

3. Give up caffeine
Try to replace the daily intake of coffee a healthy habit. The fact that caffeine increases cortisol - a stress hormone. This means that the more coffee you consume, the more you become nervous and irritable.

4. Avoid sugary during PMS
The closer "women's day", the more we, the girls, I want chocolate. Try to overcome this temptation, replacing treat fresh or dried fruit. That they contain enough magnesium, which badly needs the female body during PMS.

5. Do not shirk physical exertion
Physical activity has a double benefit: first, they accelerate the metabolism process, and secondly, increase the production of endorphins - hormones that improve your mood and strengthen the immune system. For greater motivation and pleasure try in the classroom listening to music, so you increase the production of another hormone - serotonin.

If hormones are normal - the woman feels more confident, attractive, and even much younger! Do not hesitate to seek skilled help when you need it. Repost this article will help your girlfriends to know more about the background of hormonal and keep the body in good physical shape.
via takprosto.cc
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