Its beneficial properties can talk for hours: 7 ways to use garlic.
Garlic - a favorite product of many people, as it is incredibly good for your health. But few know that it not only helps in the fight against viruses. Garlic has many more applications in the field of health, beauty, cooking and more. Its beneficial properties can talk for hours. Eat garlic health and discover its beneficial properties!
For health:
1. Cold
Pour garlic boiling water, let it brew for 7 minutes. Strain and drink the beverage. This tool will help you protect yourself from colds or cure the disease.
2. The remedy for acne
Cut the garlic clove and apply it to a place where only began to emerge the pimple. Carry out the procedure several times a day, and the skin will become clean.
3. Treats herpes
Drugstore funds do not always do their job, so they come to the aid of people. Put your half cloves of garlic to the affected area. Herpes will be much faster.
4. Eliminates foot fungus
If you're worried about foot fungus, then you can use the grandmother's method. Throw passed through a press garlic in hot water. Let infuse for 15 minutes, it means a fracture in the foot bath. Hold the leg in the water not more than 30 minutes.
Other applications:
5. For pest control
Garlic is great help in the fight against some pests in the garden, such as aphids. 200 grams of garlic, passed through the press zaley liter of water. Close the container tight lid for 5-6 days. For spraying the plants with 25 ml of infusion solution in 10 liters of water.
6. Bonding materials
Garlic is a natural glue. It can be used for bonding various materials, such as paper.
7. Cleaning surfaces
Grind a few garlic cloves. Fill the spray white vinegar, and put the garlic. Add a few drops of lemon juice - and the means to clean and disinfect ready. The smell of garlic will not be felt.
Garlic is also used to strengthen the immune system, reduce cholesterol, improve metabolism, treatment of dental pain and so on. Apply the garlic to use!
via takprosto.cc
For health:
1. Cold
Pour garlic boiling water, let it brew for 7 minutes. Strain and drink the beverage. This tool will help you protect yourself from colds or cure the disease.
2. The remedy for acne
Cut the garlic clove and apply it to a place where only began to emerge the pimple. Carry out the procedure several times a day, and the skin will become clean.
3. Treats herpes
Drugstore funds do not always do their job, so they come to the aid of people. Put your half cloves of garlic to the affected area. Herpes will be much faster.
4. Eliminates foot fungus
If you're worried about foot fungus, then you can use the grandmother's method. Throw passed through a press garlic in hot water. Let infuse for 15 minutes, it means a fracture in the foot bath. Hold the leg in the water not more than 30 minutes.
Other applications:
5. For pest control
Garlic is great help in the fight against some pests in the garden, such as aphids. 200 grams of garlic, passed through the press zaley liter of water. Close the container tight lid for 5-6 days. For spraying the plants with 25 ml of infusion solution in 10 liters of water.
6. Bonding materials
Garlic is a natural glue. It can be used for bonding various materials, such as paper.
7. Cleaning surfaces
Grind a few garlic cloves. Fill the spray white vinegar, and put the garlic. Add a few drops of lemon juice - and the means to clean and disinfect ready. The smell of garlic will not be felt.
Garlic is also used to strengthen the immune system, reduce cholesterol, improve metabolism, treatment of dental pain and so on. Apply the garlic to use!
via takprosto.cc
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