What happens if you regularly eat a pumpkin: useful properties of tasty vegetables.
Many of us have been told since childhood that if we eat pumpkin porridge, then grow up healthy and strong. And our parents and grandparents were absolutely right. Pumpkin is useful for health. When you learn about the beneficial properties of this vegetable, you will want to cook it for themselves and their loved ones more often. There are many simple and tasty dishes that can be made from a pumpkin. What is good housewives. Cook, eat moderately, and heals.
Pumpkin supplies the body with vitamin C and B vitamins are also there in large numbers contains pectin, calcium, carotene, iron and copper.
The pumpkin contains zinc salts and vitamin E, which slow down the aging process.
This product is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Even with the help of a pumpkin can fight obesity. It is 90% water. And also it contains few calories. Only 23 calories per 100 g of product.
Pumpkin juice has a beneficial effect on the stomach gastritis with high acidity. Unbelievable that this juice is also used in the treatment of colds.
This delicious vegetable can boost immunity. Since the autumn it is desirable to lean on him.
Pumpkin juice takes care of the enamel, strengthening it. Do not be afraid of caries, if you often drink this drink.
Seeds orange vegetables shchadjashche eliminate the worms and other intestinal parasites. Eat at night 100 grams of seeds with honey. In the morning, drink 1 tablespoon of castor oil.
In order to effectively cleanse the liver, for example, after a course of antibiotics, take a pumpkin with honey.
Take a small pumpkin, srezh Get top and seeds. Then pour it into honey, slightly stir the contents of the cut and cover "cover." Cover the dough cutting lines. Put the pumpkin in a dark place. The temperature must be below room temperature. After 10 days, the medicine is ready. Drink it in a tablespoon 2 times a day for half an hour before meals. Take for 20 days.
A great recipe for improving the functioning of the intestines
Take the red pumpkin weighing about 150-170 g clean it from the skin. Extract seeds. The flesh shall cut small cubes. Fry in a pan until tender. Laid out on a plate, top it with honey and sprinkle with nuts favorite.
To get rid of insomnia and stress, drink before bedtime decoction of pumpkin pulp with honey.
Unfortunately, the pumpkin can not be used in diabetes, ulcers and gastritis with low acidity.
We have prepared for you basic information about the benefits of pumpkin. But she still has many other beneficial properties. Therefore, its use in food definitely worth it. Prepare of her delicious porridge, bake cakes, prepare drinks and even cold soups.
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via takprosto.cc

Pumpkin supplies the body with vitamin C and B vitamins are also there in large numbers contains pectin, calcium, carotene, iron and copper.
The pumpkin contains zinc salts and vitamin E, which slow down the aging process.
This product is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Even with the help of a pumpkin can fight obesity. It is 90% water. And also it contains few calories. Only 23 calories per 100 g of product.
Pumpkin juice has a beneficial effect on the stomach gastritis with high acidity. Unbelievable that this juice is also used in the treatment of colds.
This delicious vegetable can boost immunity. Since the autumn it is desirable to lean on him.
Pumpkin juice takes care of the enamel, strengthening it. Do not be afraid of caries, if you often drink this drink.
Seeds orange vegetables shchadjashche eliminate the worms and other intestinal parasites. Eat at night 100 grams of seeds with honey. In the morning, drink 1 tablespoon of castor oil.
In order to effectively cleanse the liver, for example, after a course of antibiotics, take a pumpkin with honey.
Take a small pumpkin, srezh Get top and seeds. Then pour it into honey, slightly stir the contents of the cut and cover "cover." Cover the dough cutting lines. Put the pumpkin in a dark place. The temperature must be below room temperature. After 10 days, the medicine is ready. Drink it in a tablespoon 2 times a day for half an hour before meals. Take for 20 days.
A great recipe for improving the functioning of the intestines
Take the red pumpkin weighing about 150-170 g clean it from the skin. Extract seeds. The flesh shall cut small cubes. Fry in a pan until tender. Laid out on a plate, top it with honey and sprinkle with nuts favorite.
To get rid of insomnia and stress, drink before bedtime decoction of pumpkin pulp with honey.
Unfortunately, the pumpkin can not be used in diabetes, ulcers and gastritis with low acidity.
We have prepared for you basic information about the benefits of pumpkin. But she still has many other beneficial properties. Therefore, its use in food definitely worth it. Prepare of her delicious porridge, bake cakes, prepare drinks and even cold soups.
Share with your friends this useful information about the properties of the pumpkin!
via takprosto.cc
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