Easy Way to Renew Garlic Seeds
Garlic is a useful plant and a delicious spice for many savory dishes. About its useful properties we were told from childhood by grandmothers and mothers. Regular consumption of garlic in food strengthens immunity and reduces blood cholesterol. Today we will tell you how interesting you can plant garlic seeds on your site to grow large garlic bulbs to the envy of neighbors.
There are two ways to plant garlic: vegetative and generative. Many gardeners plant garlic with cloves (the vegetative way), and ignore or are unaware of the latter. This is planting garlic with air bulbs.
There are several advantages. First, so you can improve garlic and increase its yield. Secondly, so much less planting material is consumed, unlike planting garlic with single teeth. There's a drawback. To grow garlic from air bulbs, it takes longer than growing in a vegetative way.
In the vegetative period, garlic grow arrows in which there are seeds for further sowing. But they are usually removed and left with one plant to then understand when the garlic ripens. To collect garlic bulbs, you need to leave several dozen garlic arrows. So you don’t have to spend money on garlic seeds next year.
Air bulbs of garlic are harvested when the inflorescence is fully formed and the cases are slightly cracked. It is necessary to cut garlic arrows 30-35 cm high from the inflorescence.
Next, you need to put a tarp under the inflorescences to dry them, since the most valuable air buns ripen and crumble first. You can also tie airy garlic bulbs into a bundle and put in a net.
Seeds from inflorescences are shaken out before preparing for sowing. Ideal for planting large and medium-sized seeds with a diameter of 3-5 mm or more. Small seeds are best sown in a separate area. In the first year after sowing, a non-standard single tooth grows out of them. It is replanted in autumn to form larger single teeth.
Also interesting is the method of planting air bulbs in whole inflorescences. In this case, the seeds are not shaken and not planted one at a time, but planted inflorescences. Then a year later it is not dug up, but left for the second year. So grow larger cloves of garlic whole bundles, and they are more convenient to care for, because the stems are thus not lost in weeds.
To grow garlic monotooths from air bulbs, you need to take clean from weeds plots of land. Plant air buns in autumn or spring. The optimal depth for planting buns is 3 cm for small seeds, and 5 cm for large ones.
The density of sowing of garlic buns should be about forty or fifty bulbs per linear meter. Do not neglect the feeding of garlic. It is effective to do this in late March - early April, and the second feeding - in the first week of May. During the second fertilizer, it would be good to add five glasses of wood ash per ten square meters.
As a result, the resulting single teeth of garlic are harvested for subsequent sowing in the middle of the last decade of June. That it is time to harvest, evidenced by the yellowed tips of the leaves. Which way of planting garlic did you like the most and why?

There are two ways to plant garlic: vegetative and generative. Many gardeners plant garlic with cloves (the vegetative way), and ignore or are unaware of the latter. This is planting garlic with air bulbs.

There are several advantages. First, so you can improve garlic and increase its yield. Secondly, so much less planting material is consumed, unlike planting garlic with single teeth. There's a drawback. To grow garlic from air bulbs, it takes longer than growing in a vegetative way.

In the vegetative period, garlic grow arrows in which there are seeds for further sowing. But they are usually removed and left with one plant to then understand when the garlic ripens. To collect garlic bulbs, you need to leave several dozen garlic arrows. So you don’t have to spend money on garlic seeds next year.

Air bulbs of garlic are harvested when the inflorescence is fully formed and the cases are slightly cracked. It is necessary to cut garlic arrows 30-35 cm high from the inflorescence.
Next, you need to put a tarp under the inflorescences to dry them, since the most valuable air buns ripen and crumble first. You can also tie airy garlic bulbs into a bundle and put in a net.

Seeds from inflorescences are shaken out before preparing for sowing. Ideal for planting large and medium-sized seeds with a diameter of 3-5 mm or more. Small seeds are best sown in a separate area. In the first year after sowing, a non-standard single tooth grows out of them. It is replanted in autumn to form larger single teeth.

Also interesting is the method of planting air bulbs in whole inflorescences. In this case, the seeds are not shaken and not planted one at a time, but planted inflorescences. Then a year later it is not dug up, but left for the second year. So grow larger cloves of garlic whole bundles, and they are more convenient to care for, because the stems are thus not lost in weeds.

To grow garlic monotooths from air bulbs, you need to take clean from weeds plots of land. Plant air buns in autumn or spring. The optimal depth for planting buns is 3 cm for small seeds, and 5 cm for large ones.

The density of sowing of garlic buns should be about forty or fifty bulbs per linear meter. Do not neglect the feeding of garlic. It is effective to do this in late March - early April, and the second feeding - in the first week of May. During the second fertilizer, it would be good to add five glasses of wood ash per ten square meters.

As a result, the resulting single teeth of garlic are harvested for subsequent sowing in the middle of the last decade of June. That it is time to harvest, evidenced by the yellowed tips of the leaves. Which way of planting garlic did you like the most and why?