“Don’t cut your nails, please!” This is not magic, this is the most common.
In cooking, garlic has no equal, in medicine it is also not replace... But trust me, that's not all. garlic!
Did you know that fishermen consider the secret of a good catch? garlic? We invite you to learn more about other useful properties of this plant!
Ways to use garlic
The beneficial properties of this plant can be talked about for hours. It is only appropriate to add: to forget about colds, eat at least one clove of garlic a day!
Good health to you and your family!
Did you know that fishermen consider the secret of a good catch? garlic? We invite you to learn more about other useful properties of this plant!
Ways to use garlic
- Anti-acne remedy
The crushed garlic is added to cleansing masks and face lotions. However, a simpler way get rid of pimples with garlic Rub the inflamed areas of the skin with its juice. So pimples quickly dry up and disappear. - Treatment of foot fungus
Garlic is a powerful antifungal remedy. They are particularly popular. garlic (10 cloves per 1 liter of water). However, you can simply crush the garlic, mix it with olive oil in a ratio of 1: 1 and lubricate the affected areas of the skin with the resulting tool. - Eliminating toothache
Many people advise to apply a clove to a sick tooth. But don't even listen! Although the pain becomes less noticeable, but the burn of the gums cannot be avoided. It is better to rinse the mouth with garlic tincture. - Treatment of ear infections
Since garlic oil is a natural antibiotic, a couple of drops will help to cope with pain in the ears and slightly treat them. - Ice rescue
Garlic salt saves from ice no worse than other proven means. - Removing splinters
The splinter will come out on its own if you apply a finely chopped piece of garlic to the affected place, fasten it with a bandage and leave it alone for an hour. - If there is a small crack in the glass
Old-fashioned way: crush a few cloves and rub the defect with garlic juice. In extreme cases, the crack will not go further. - Insect control
Garlic tincture Not only does it fight germs and bacteria, it also scares away many insects. - For fishing
If you are not interested in fishing, you will find it strange that fish are attracted to the smell of garlic. But experienced anglers know that with a couple of cloves you can get a good catch. - Treatment of colds
Everyone knows this: garlic fights viruses and generally strengthens the immune system. There is a huge amount of folk remedies based on it, but I want to highlight garlic milk against the common cold. To prepare it, you need to warm 1/2 liter of milk, pass garlic through the press, and then mix warm milk with 10 drops of pressed garlic juice. If you take the medicine before going to bed, then in the morning the disease did not happen.
The beneficial properties of this plant can be talked about for hours. It is only appropriate to add: to forget about colds, eat at least one clove of garlic a day!
Good health to you and your family!
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