How does our subconscious
Interesting psychology kartinkahKuda disappears from the head of an interesting, but not the actual information? What distinguishes thought repressed into the unconscious, from the forgotten thoughts? "Sluggish", "asleep" and "giant prehistoric" fish subconscious - ANDEADD blogger explains the importance of the psychological concept of using vivid imagery.
Spending the weekend with no shocking new sensations, without bathing in The cold northern rivers without trekking through the desert without having to overcome the mountain passes and without exploring the beautiful cheerful girls - very sad.
It is not clear, it does not go crazy ones 99% of my compatriots who spend at home and in the country all their Saturdays and Sundays.
To himself as something to take, I drew a couple of pictures available to illustrate the answer to the burning question: What is the origin of the contents of our unconscious? And what we are all used to talk about it, and that there - very few people know. But as you can and disgrace, communicating with smart people!
So the ways in which infa gets us into the unconscious, only four, and they are simple and clear.
№ 1. Stupidly forgetting. How many of you, for example, it was in my childhood toys? And what you said to your colleague Elvira Eduardovna when it met last month at the cooler? Which sentence is over 6-series of the 3rd season of "Game of Thrones"? You do not remember. You forgot. Information lost value for you, faded and sank to the bottom, from the consciousness of the unconscious, as the fish is asleep. If you now will be able to revive the sluggish fish and pull back to consciousness, it is only under hypnosis.
№ 2. Wipe. Yesterday, shaking hands with his friend Nicholas, you suddenly felt clearly that would not mind him etssamoe. But this idea horrified because your consciousness that was immediately driven to the podsoznanku.
The difference between the repressed thoughts / feelings / sensations from forgotten is that the displaced do not lose their energy. Floating in the subconscious, they continue to fiercely beat its tail and snapping jaws, and traces of this activity are felt on the surface - t. E. For example, is now at every meeting with Nicholas you will be sweating palms and twitching left eye.
№ 3. Unconscious perception. You know, the average number of calls his companions heard a Muscovite, who commutes to work by subway? About a thousand a week. Consciousness captures only 3-5 of them; but, again, under hypnosis, he will remember all the thousand.
The conclusion is obvious: these conversations were in his unconscious, bypassing the mind, t. To. Could not excite the mind is strong enough to them to fix it. Such low impact we experience every moment HUGE amounts - for example, in your unconscious settle all car numbers that fall within your field of vision, face and clothes every passer, etc. D. All of this infa dumped in podsoznanku directly, skipping through the consciousness lightly. < br />
№ 4. And this part of the contents of the unconscious is the most interesting. An archetype - a giant prehistoric psihoSUSchNOSTI who came here not through consciousness. They have always been unconscious. They are attached to the starter kit psyche of each person and slowly floating in the darkest depths of the unconscious, their power is incredible, they are terrible, beautiful and full of triumphant fusion energy.
via andeadd.livejournal.com/
Spending the weekend with no shocking new sensations, without bathing in The cold northern rivers without trekking through the desert without having to overcome the mountain passes and without exploring the beautiful cheerful girls - very sad.
It is not clear, it does not go crazy ones 99% of my compatriots who spend at home and in the country all their Saturdays and Sundays.
To himself as something to take, I drew a couple of pictures available to illustrate the answer to the burning question: What is the origin of the contents of our unconscious? And what we are all used to talk about it, and that there - very few people know. But as you can and disgrace, communicating with smart people!

So the ways in which infa gets us into the unconscious, only four, and they are simple and clear.
№ 1. Stupidly forgetting. How many of you, for example, it was in my childhood toys? And what you said to your colleague Elvira Eduardovna when it met last month at the cooler? Which sentence is over 6-series of the 3rd season of "Game of Thrones"? You do not remember. You forgot. Information lost value for you, faded and sank to the bottom, from the consciousness of the unconscious, as the fish is asleep. If you now will be able to revive the sluggish fish and pull back to consciousness, it is only under hypnosis.
№ 2. Wipe. Yesterday, shaking hands with his friend Nicholas, you suddenly felt clearly that would not mind him etssamoe. But this idea horrified because your consciousness that was immediately driven to the podsoznanku.
The difference between the repressed thoughts / feelings / sensations from forgotten is that the displaced do not lose their energy. Floating in the subconscious, they continue to fiercely beat its tail and snapping jaws, and traces of this activity are felt on the surface - t. E. For example, is now at every meeting with Nicholas you will be sweating palms and twitching left eye.
№ 3. Unconscious perception. You know, the average number of calls his companions heard a Muscovite, who commutes to work by subway? About a thousand a week. Consciousness captures only 3-5 of them; but, again, under hypnosis, he will remember all the thousand.
The conclusion is obvious: these conversations were in his unconscious, bypassing the mind, t. To. Could not excite the mind is strong enough to them to fix it. Such low impact we experience every moment HUGE amounts - for example, in your unconscious settle all car numbers that fall within your field of vision, face and clothes every passer, etc. D. All of this infa dumped in podsoznanku directly, skipping through the consciousness lightly. < br />
№ 4. And this part of the contents of the unconscious is the most interesting. An archetype - a giant prehistoric psihoSUSchNOSTI who came here not through consciousness. They have always been unconscious. They are attached to the starter kit psyche of each person and slowly floating in the darkest depths of the unconscious, their power is incredible, they are terrible, beautiful and full of triumphant fusion energy.

via andeadd.livejournal.com/
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