Degrassi Neil Tyson on the importance of basic science
Fascinating video from one of the main popularizers of science vremeniMnogie our people believe that the fundamental science - nothing more than a way to satisfy a personal curiosity at public expense. Why would finance the construction of your colliders when a lot of problems in society? Reduce loafers! Accelerate parasites! Let the best scientists will be engaged in its "efficiency." You do not really want to once again make calculations and to prove the opposite? What is very important to rely on the fundamental science and this is a defining factor in the development of the economy in general and in particular? Then let me do this Degrassi Neil Tyson. He is angry at those who do not understand this, and quickly dot the «i», providing instructive examples from history.
via science.d3.ru/nil-degrass-taison-o-vazhnosti-fundamentalnoi-nauki-785568/
via science.d3.ru/nil-degrass-taison-o-vazhnosti-fundamentalnoi-nauki-785568/