The longest river in Africa
To date, as well as a few hundred years ago, many scientists disagree on what is the longest river in the world, one is sure to argue that the Nile, while others are convinced that the Amazon. But after lengthy calculations, we can accurately say that the longest river in the world - the Amazon River, but the Nile, which flows in Africa, the second longest and the first on the continent. The length of the Nile reaches 6671 km. Nile originates in Burundi, at the same time, it follows from the key in the sleeve Luvirontsa, through the Kagera River. When the Nile begins to fall into the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, it forms a huge size delta, which stretches along the coast, 250 kilometers in length.
Besides all this, the Nile is the only river that flows through the famous Sahara desert, with all this, over three thousand kilometers of river has no more than one inflow and brings its waters directly into the Mediterranean Sea. Water flow in the river is not constant and vary quite a broad range.
Interestingly, the "delta" mouth of the Nile called the Greek geographer, who compared it to a triangular shape with the letter of the Greek alphabet Δ, thus giving the name of all river deltas of the world.
In Africa is dominated by a hot and dry climate, so Neil has great economic importance for the countries that are located in the basin. Ever since ancient times, the Nile River water used for irrigation, water supply, navigation and fishing.
Nile Land (Gath), or the dried sludge reaches in Upper Egypt up to 8 m thick in Cairo to 4, 5 m. The thickness of the superficial layer (Alluvion) in Egypt from 10 - 12 m, at the beginning of the delta of 13 - 16 m. fertile strip width of 15 km. Water during the flood properly distributed throughout the soil treated with the help of dams and reservoirs.
Besides all this, the Aswan hydropower plant provides almost one-half of all energy throughout Egypt.
For Egypt, as well as Sudan, the Nile is a priceless treasure. On its shores, forming evergreen oasis, you can see the farmers and fishermen, traders and tourists. Yet Neal has the Egyptians not only blessed moisture. In the past, disputes over water allocation has repeatedly caused conflicts between Egypt and Sudan, threatens to turn into a real war.