There is a "Computer Vision Syndrome"

If you spend the whole day in front of a computer screen, you may be at risk for computer vision syndrome, also called occupational asthenopia. Symptoms of computer vision include headaches, dryness, redness and burning eyes, blurred or "double" vision, trouble focusing, difficulty with color differences, sensitivity to light, and even pain in the neck or back.
More than 75 percent of computer users are suffering from these symptoms because of the bright or low light and improper arrangement of the workplace. In order to avoid the syndrome of computer vision, check that the monitor is at a distance of at least 60 cm away from you, and that your eyes were above the monitor for at least 8 cm. Make sure the monitor directly in front of you, this minimizes eye movement.
Adjust lighting to eliminate glare and reflections. You can also adjust the brightness of the image on the screen to ease the strain on your eyes. Even the most simple techniques can help you, for example, every 20-30 minutes, look away from the monitor and focused look at what is located away from you. At the same time you can always use the eye drops to freshen up your look.
Source: www.infoniac.ru
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