Louts and bullies more creditworthy than people with a sweet temper

it believed that between the borrower's integrity and character traits are inextricably linked. In the US, employers often ask applicants to present details of credit scoring, that is assess their creditworthiness. Many companies believe that poor performance will certainly characterize man as irresponsible and prone to theft.
A study of American scientists from the University of Texas put an end to these myths. They interviewed 130 people of different sexes aged 30 to 40 years and analyzed their credit history. The results showed that there is no link between a poor credit worthiness and a penchant for thievery. But revealed startling regularity. So, flexible people are more likely to be poor borrowers, but violent and intractable just more creditworthy.
"We noticed that Dobryakov indicators scoring significantly lower than the bullies. The fact is that the non-contentious nature of the good-natured people do not allow them to give up the various offers of bank employees, as they offer a variety of services and favorable rates. Kind Men often become guarantors for their relatives or friends. But the louts do not feel any moral obstacles to abandon unprofitable proposals ", - explained Jeremy Bernert, a professor of the University School of Business.
Source: www.utro.ru
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