5 most unusual mental disorders

Foreign accent syndrome
Head injury and further damage to the speech center of the brain may lead to a breakdown. As a result, suffers from this disease intones words like alien noises, not peculiar to his native language.
However, it is no secret that foreign light pronons only add points to communicate with the opposite sex - women, for example, love it.
Alien hand syndrome
The disorder is that both hands or one hand patient behaves quite independently of desires and his movements. Imagine that your hand, for example, accidentally slap someone on the pope, or will face. And if that someone is your boss or a parent of your spouse to whom you come to meet? Indeed, not funny.
Most alien hand syndrome occurs in patients with epilepsy. It's hard to neuropsychiatric disorders, it is more difficult to control and treatment.
Stendhal Syndrome
Stendhal Syndrome - is a disorder that is generated by the contemplation of beauty, especially in very large quantities. Beautiful views of the old city, the natural beauty of the green fields of art - all this may be the reason that a person greatly quickens the pulse, dizziness and hallucinations begin.
Zombie Syndrome
It is also called Cotard's syndrome. If any man think that he is dead, but still continues to exist - he walks, eats, drinks, but he feels that his life force left. For the first time zombie syndrome was described by Jules Cotard in 1880, but the scientific evidence, he received only in April of 2007.
Zombie Syndrome - is a serious mental disorder that can often be the result of brain damage. A case where the patient acquired the syndrome after falling from the motorcycle. His mother took him to South Africa for rehabilitation, but he had the strong feeling that he is dead and in hell.
Syndrome synesthesia
The syndrome manifests itself in synesthesia that one stimulus automatically stimulates multiple senses. For example, patients-sinestetiki say the letters of the alphabet are every color, every year has its own smell.
Synesthesia reported a high level of creative abilities or inclinations to them, so people suffering from this syndrome as one incredibly creative. Patients may be looking at some sort of color experience a smell, sound them acquire visual forms.