Over the past 15 years, statistics of mental disorders in children is appalling! Guilty parents...
Silence is Golden, but not in matters concerning our children. In the modern world in the homes of a quiet tragedy that destroys the destiny of the younger individuals. Parents are so busy with their own problems and thoughts about earnings that did not notice the emotional state of the child. Over the past 15 years, statistics of mental disorders in children is appalling.
If you want your children grew up happy and healthy, you need to forget about the fact that they from early childhood must be independent, and to go back to the basics. Indeed, the lack of parental education has dire consequences. About what threatens the child's lack of attention and how to keep it from psychological disorders in the future, you will tell the editors "Website".
Healthy detstva first glance it seems that it's all nonsense, and your kid will never be problems, because you are working on so that he had the best toys, nice clothes, a trip to children's camp... But how often are you asking him, is he happy? And whether you have established communication so well that he can tell about their problems. Emotionally available parents are the main problem in modern society.
Psychologists say that every year the indicators of psychological disorders in children are rising. For example, one in five children has a mental disorder, and adolescent depression increased by 37% over the past 15 years. And the most terrible — the frequency of suicides among children 10-14 years has increased by as much as 200 %!
No, it is not the impact of the Internet, they are not born as such, and this is not the fault of a bad environment and the system. How would it have sounded offensive to parents — they blame themselves. Because the child can hear and which have interesting lessons in life, never hurt yourself or others. Bad thoughts will simply not walking in his head.
Remember how was your childhood. There were a lot of household chores, the games were entertaining and a long, healthy food, and strong sleep. You don't know what boredom is. That your child needs in a very small age to be apathetic. If you look, modern children need to gift expensive gadgets, adult entertainment, and everything else for them is not cool and boring.
Nature itself commanded that parents engaged in with children. You all probably heard this, but you should pay attention to some details. It depends on the bright future of your child.
It is necessary your child
Also watch your diet and daily routine to your child. Put him in different circles. But bear in mind that it must be time for the usual childish pranks. To develop in him an interest in life. And don't forget to share useful information with your friends in social networks!
The author
Oksana Dudnik Loves painting, ready to admire the pictures all the time! Oksana knows a lot about perfumes, well versed in fashion trends and will give odds to many well-known beauty bloggers. Her love of sport supported by sports category in sailing! Xenia prefers meat dishes, can not imagine a day without them. Favorite book charming girls — "the Emperor" Niccolo Machiavelli.

If you want your children grew up happy and healthy, you need to forget about the fact that they from early childhood must be independent, and to go back to the basics. Indeed, the lack of parental education has dire consequences. About what threatens the child's lack of attention and how to keep it from psychological disorders in the future, you will tell the editors "Website".

Healthy detstva first glance it seems that it's all nonsense, and your kid will never be problems, because you are working on so that he had the best toys, nice clothes, a trip to children's camp... But how often are you asking him, is he happy? And whether you have established communication so well that he can tell about their problems. Emotionally available parents are the main problem in modern society.

Psychologists say that every year the indicators of psychological disorders in children are rising. For example, one in five children has a mental disorder, and adolescent depression increased by 37% over the past 15 years. And the most terrible — the frequency of suicides among children 10-14 years has increased by as much as 200 %!

No, it is not the impact of the Internet, they are not born as such, and this is not the fault of a bad environment and the system. How would it have sounded offensive to parents — they blame themselves. Because the child can hear and which have interesting lessons in life, never hurt yourself or others. Bad thoughts will simply not walking in his head.

Remember how was your childhood. There were a lot of household chores, the games were entertaining and a long, healthy food, and strong sleep. You don't know what boredom is. That your child needs in a very small age to be apathetic. If you look, modern children need to gift expensive gadgets, adult entertainment, and everything else for them is not cool and boring.

Nature itself commanded that parents engaged in with children. You all probably heard this, but you should pay attention to some details. It depends on the bright future of your child.

It is necessary your child
- Communicate with the child on an equal footing, to have a trusting relationship. Do not get distracted in the process of communication on a variety of calls and concerns. Bring him for a visit — let him get used to communicate with different people and behave in society.
- Give children what they need, not what they want. Don't be afraid to refuse the children if their desires differ from needs. Don't tell me it's not necessary. Argues, highlighting them with examples.
- Every day make a family dinner without screens. Playing table games. Mark one day a week that must be devoted only to family.
- Every day attract the child to the home. Let toys, make out bags of food, help set the table...
- Don't encourage the use of gadgets for a meal, in the car, in a restaurant, in the store. Let the mind of a child learning on my own out of pure boredom.
- Minimizes the use of different techniques and pastime in the Internet. But do not limit it completely. It is important that your child remains in the trend of children's Hobbies. Otherwise it will be difficult to find a common language with peers, and this can cause irritability and anger.
- Show your child from the earliest years that you love him and that he is a person. Interested in its life interests of his friends. But don't do for him what he should do. For example, do not tie the laces on a 9 year old or don't open the ice cream a 5 year.
Also watch your diet and daily routine to your child. Put him in different circles. But bear in mind that it must be time for the usual childish pranks. To develop in him an interest in life. And don't forget to share useful information with your friends in social networks!
The author

Oksana Dudnik Loves painting, ready to admire the pictures all the time! Oksana knows a lot about perfumes, well versed in fashion trends and will give odds to many well-known beauty bloggers. Her love of sport supported by sports category in sailing! Xenia prefers meat dishes, can not imagine a day without them. Favorite book charming girls — "the Emperor" Niccolo Machiavelli.
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