10 facts about the "animal" sex
1. There are animals that can compete with the sex of the rabbit - is lemmings. Female lemmings can get pregnant again within two weeks after delivery. Once a pair of lemmings for 167 days gave up eight litters. However, the male then died.
2. Mating badgers - an act that lasts an average of 90 minutes. Moreover, female badgers as well as women prefer to make love in the dark.
3. The male kangaroo is able to mate five times a day.
4. Sable able to mate eight-hour non-stop.
5. Intercourse one of the most famous Australian animals - the Tasmanian devil - is preceded by a long and very violent love games, during which the animals mutilate each other.
6. Alpine cricket is able to fertilize the female every 18 seconds. Among mammals, the record holds a hamster, which can be up to 50 ejaculations per hour.
7. The male spider-nanny (Pisaura mirabilis) developed their own strategy of pairing, which is unique in nature. To avoid being eaten by an aggressive female, which is much bigger than them, they first bring his beloved "gift of love" such as dead insects. Give a gift, the males immediately play dead and fall at her feet. Female, stopped paying attention to them, it begins to eat. And while it's busy, the males "come alive" and get down to business.
8. A male earwigs two penises, each of which exceeds the length of the very earwig. These bodies are very fragile and break easily, which is why the insect is born with a spare.
9. The male octopus leaves his sexual organ in the body of the female. Then he grows a new one. But the "old" fishermen are sometimes found in the bodies of females.
10. During intercourse, the male deep-sea angler teeth bites into a female and held her. He drinks her blood in exchange for his sperm. Then the body of male and female merge together and remain that way forever. However, do not think about romance: scientists have seen females, to which was attached by six males.
via factroom.ru