10 unusual facts about sex animals
When it seemed that the animals sex is easy. But then, biologists have looked carefully to what is really going on.
10th place: The symbol of unsafe sex is the male praying mantis: Ideally, he jumps on the female's back, clinging tightly, mates and jumps. But if he slips as he is within reach of the jaws of the female and could easily lose his head. The male praying mantis are able to accurately assess the appetite females: very hungry females are the most unpopular.
9th place: In the same way behaves the female black widow spider: the body is eaten mom Pope food for children.
8th place: The male earwig two penises, each of which exceeds the length of the very earwig. These bodies are very fragile and break easily, which is why the insect is born with a spare.
7th place: In the form called "bean weevil," the female prefers to drink the sperm of the male than to fertilize their eggs it.
6th place: The male octopus leaves his sexual organ in the body of the female. Then he grows a new one. But the "old" fishermen are sometimes found in the bodies of females.
5th: If the worm larva Mediterranean ehiury (Bonellia viridis) is attached to the body of an adult female of the same worm, the female selects a special substance - bonellin - which turns into a tiny larva male. The male then crawls into her mouth and migrates to the uterus. The body of the female, males are parasites, but fertilize her egg.
4th place: the female aphids can reproduce without entering into an intimate relationship, but once a year is still copulate with males. Why do they spend their time? It was found that aphids are needed infections, sexually transmitted infections, as many of these bacteria bring benefit to females.
3rd place: Turkeys can reproduce by parthenogenesis, when the egg is connected to the by-product of the formation of eggs and sperm not to. However, the mortality of the offspring is high.
2nd place: Some fish, "mushroom" corals and even bees in the difficult moments of life change sex from male to female. This usually occurs during periods of bad warming.
1st place: rotifers Bdelloidea class has about 80 million years. Do without sex. Scientist John Maynard Smith called this kind that breeds self-cloning, "the scandal of evolution." Rotifers - all amazing creatures. To escape from parasites, they allow the sun to dry their bodies, and the wind - to carry them to a new location. There they saturate with water and once again live without sex.

10th place: The symbol of unsafe sex is the male praying mantis: Ideally, he jumps on the female's back, clinging tightly, mates and jumps. But if he slips as he is within reach of the jaws of the female and could easily lose his head. The male praying mantis are able to accurately assess the appetite females: very hungry females are the most unpopular.
9th place: In the same way behaves the female black widow spider: the body is eaten mom Pope food for children.
8th place: The male earwig two penises, each of which exceeds the length of the very earwig. These bodies are very fragile and break easily, which is why the insect is born with a spare.
7th place: In the form called "bean weevil," the female prefers to drink the sperm of the male than to fertilize their eggs it.
6th place: The male octopus leaves his sexual organ in the body of the female. Then he grows a new one. But the "old" fishermen are sometimes found in the bodies of females.
5th: If the worm larva Mediterranean ehiury (Bonellia viridis) is attached to the body of an adult female of the same worm, the female selects a special substance - bonellin - which turns into a tiny larva male. The male then crawls into her mouth and migrates to the uterus. The body of the female, males are parasites, but fertilize her egg.
4th place: the female aphids can reproduce without entering into an intimate relationship, but once a year is still copulate with males. Why do they spend their time? It was found that aphids are needed infections, sexually transmitted infections, as many of these bacteria bring benefit to females.
3rd place: Turkeys can reproduce by parthenogenesis, when the egg is connected to the by-product of the formation of eggs and sperm not to. However, the mortality of the offspring is high.
2nd place: Some fish, "mushroom" corals and even bees in the difficult moments of life change sex from male to female. This usually occurs during periods of bad warming.
1st place: rotifers Bdelloidea class has about 80 million years. Do without sex. Scientist John Maynard Smith called this kind that breeds self-cloning, "the scandal of evolution." Rotifers - all amazing creatures. To escape from parasites, they allow the sun to dry their bodies, and the wind - to carry them to a new location. There they saturate with water and once again live without sex.