If you have breakfast with eggs and meat, it will refrain from eating at night
Experts from the University of Missouri found that a protein-rich breakfast improves appetite and reduces the need to eat food high in fat or sugar in the evening. Unfortunately, according to statistics, about 60% of young people skip breakfast and neglects the most important meal.
Associate professor of nutrition and exercise physiology Heather Leidy conducted a study aimed at identifying the links between the systematic skipping breakfast and obesity. She divided the 20 women aged 18-20 years suffering from excess weight, into two groups: one group do not eat breakfast at all, and others are used breakfast with high protein content. Participants filled out questionnaires, and during the day they took blood samples for analysis. Then each of them was made functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Eating a breakfast high in protein resulted in an increase of satiety while reducing the activity areas of the brain responsible for appetite control. In addition, almost all the girls in the second group were able to refrain from taking high-calorie foods in the evening.
Leidy said that protein-rich breakfast - one of the potential strategies to prevent overeating and improve the quality of the diet. For a great breakfast eggs and beef steak, egg waffles with applesauce, pies, beef, yogurt, cottage cheese or pork chop meat. But in the afternoon, on the contrary, should give preference to a "light" foods rich in vitamins like vegetables and fruits.
via factroom.ru
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