Curse of Tutankhamen's tomb 90 years

In 1923, an unknown force killed a group of researchers who discovered the tomb of the young pharaoh. 57-year-old Egyptologist Lord Carnarvon opened the tomb together with his colleague Howard Carter, then the fifth of April died in Cairo because of the bite of an infected mosquito. Prior to that the rumors about the deteriorating health of the Lord, bloated media gave rise to rumors about the "curse of the mummy».
The story quickly overgrown details. The newspapers wrote that at the very moment when Carnavon breathed his last, in Cairo, all the lights went out, and his dog Susie back home in England, and howled izdohla.

Tutankhamun ruled Egypt around the year 1332 BC. e. He died very young, and his tomb full of gold and treasures, was a sensation when it was opened in 1922. Scientists are still not sure of its origin and working on DNA analysis of the mummy.
At the beginning of the 20th century, electricity was shut off in Cairo on a regular basis, so that the coincidence with the death Carnavon was not so incredible. A Suzie died though the same day as its owner, but four hours after it, but not at the same time. The main impetus to rumors of a curse given writer Marie Corelli, who wrote that he does not believe that the cause of death of Lord Carnival served as a mosquito bite. It later it spread a rumor that the inscription "Death comes on wings to the one who will approach close to the tomb of the pharaoh" was carved at the entrance to the tomb.

Carnavon was the only member of the expedition, who died shortly after the opening of the tomb. But with those who visited the tomb of the latest tragic events took place, too. For example, the Egyptian Prince Ali Kemal Bey Fahmi was then killed his wife, and a scientist from the Louvre Beneden George died in 1926 at the age of 69 years. Albert Lythgoe, chief Egyptologist at New York Historical Museum, died in 1934 at the age of 63 years. It has also been associated with the curse, although not fully understood why - he saw the coffin for ten years before his death.
via factroom.ru
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