How to look really Tutankhamun
Look Tutankhamun - a natural warning to humanity about the dangers of incest for the sake of power and in principle. Parents of Tutankhamun - brother and sister. New portrait of Tutankhamun was recreated by virtual autopsy - computer modeling appearance based on the analysis of anatomical features of the mummy. Tutankhamun could suffer from severe hormonal disruptions, which explains the unbalanced structure of the body, as well as early death.
The mummy of Pharaoh was studied by the imager. Was obtained over 2000 scans. In addition, the scientists conducted DNA tests and the genetic material of Tutankhamun and his relatives. Studies lasting more than 10 years, have allowed to know how Pharaoh looked at life.
What Tutankhamun - the result of incest - was proven in a study conducted by the head of the Italian Institute for the study of mummies and the frozen remains of Albert zinc. He was able to isolate mitochondrial DNA, inherited through the maternal line.
As it became clear appearance of Tutankhamun, who died at age 19, was not appealing. He had malocclusion and protruding lower jaw. The left leg was badly bent near ankles and feet. Because clubfoot he walked with a cane. The young pharaoh had wide hips and narrow shoulders.
Scientists believe that Tutankhamun suffered from genetic diseases, the cause of which were closely related marriages are common in the families of the Egyptian pharaohs. The argument for this was evidence of the early death of a member of the dynasty to which he belonged Tutankhamun.
"His direct ancestors and descendants died early, and with each generation younger," - said the teacher of medicine at Imperial College London Huth Ashrafyan.
Known for his love of racing chariots could not manage it - he was limping heavily and could barely stand on his feet. In his tomb found 130 cluck. Presumably, it is a disease of legs caused by the close relationship of parents, and was the cause of death.
Pharaoh Tutankhamun XVIII dynasty died at the age of about 18 years. He was the son of Smenkhkare Enatona or - as the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten's successor. Wife of Tutankhamun Anhesenamon (Eg, "She lives for Amun") was the daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti.
Tutankhamun canceled religious reforms of his father, who introduced the cult of the new single god Aten. During the reign of Tutankhamun were restored former beliefs, chief among which was the cult of the god Amun (revealing that the first name of "golden" Pharaoh - Tutankhaton).
Causes of death of Tutankhamun to the end is unknown. In 1922 in the Egyptian Valley of the Kings was discovered almost completely preserved tomb of Pharaoh, which became one of the most important archaeological discoveries of history. Authors finds - Howard Carter and Herbert Carnarvon. This - the only found in Egypt tomb that has not been looted. Apparently, shortly after the death of Pharaoh robbers still tried to penetrate her, but the guards were seized and stolen items were returned to the tomb. Tomb with stones, and she untouched reached our days.
In the tomb were also buried two children mummy of Pharaoh, who died at birth. In the burial chamber found many treasures, including the sarcophagus of pure gold weighing 110 kg.
The mummy of Pharaoh was studied by the imager. Was obtained over 2000 scans. In addition, the scientists conducted DNA tests and the genetic material of Tutankhamun and his relatives. Studies lasting more than 10 years, have allowed to know how Pharaoh looked at life.
What Tutankhamun - the result of incest - was proven in a study conducted by the head of the Italian Institute for the study of mummies and the frozen remains of Albert zinc. He was able to isolate mitochondrial DNA, inherited through the maternal line.

As it became clear appearance of Tutankhamun, who died at age 19, was not appealing. He had malocclusion and protruding lower jaw. The left leg was badly bent near ankles and feet. Because clubfoot he walked with a cane. The young pharaoh had wide hips and narrow shoulders.
Scientists believe that Tutankhamun suffered from genetic diseases, the cause of which were closely related marriages are common in the families of the Egyptian pharaohs. The argument for this was evidence of the early death of a member of the dynasty to which he belonged Tutankhamun.
"His direct ancestors and descendants died early, and with each generation younger," - said the teacher of medicine at Imperial College London Huth Ashrafyan.
Known for his love of racing chariots could not manage it - he was limping heavily and could barely stand on his feet. In his tomb found 130 cluck. Presumably, it is a disease of legs caused by the close relationship of parents, and was the cause of death.
Pharaoh Tutankhamun XVIII dynasty died at the age of about 18 years. He was the son of Smenkhkare Enatona or - as the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten's successor. Wife of Tutankhamun Anhesenamon (Eg, "She lives for Amun") was the daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti.
Tutankhamun canceled religious reforms of his father, who introduced the cult of the new single god Aten. During the reign of Tutankhamun were restored former beliefs, chief among which was the cult of the god Amun (revealing that the first name of "golden" Pharaoh - Tutankhaton).
Causes of death of Tutankhamun to the end is unknown. In 1922 in the Egyptian Valley of the Kings was discovered almost completely preserved tomb of Pharaoh, which became one of the most important archaeological discoveries of history. Authors finds - Howard Carter and Herbert Carnarvon. This - the only found in Egypt tomb that has not been looted. Apparently, shortly after the death of Pharaoh robbers still tried to penetrate her, but the guards were seized and stolen items were returned to the tomb. Tomb with stones, and she untouched reached our days.
In the tomb were also buried two children mummy of Pharaoh, who died at birth. In the burial chamber found many treasures, including the sarcophagus of pure gold weighing 110 kg.